[情報] 12/24 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Nicolas)時間4年前 (2020/12/23 15:58), 編輯推噓0(000)
留言0則, 0人參與, 最新討論串6/10 (看更多)
When you accept an offer or a contract, many times you will have to agree to s ign paperwork that spells everything out clearly. Gone are the days when a han dshake would have sufficed for most dealings. No, today we have to have a lega l stamp on everything we do that is official. But when it comes to friendship, we don't expect to have to treat an agreement in the same way, but sometimes, that's a good idea, Gemini. If you are now getting involved in some kind of e ndeavor with a friend or family member, spelling it out might be the best thin g to prevent misunderstandings later on. 當你接受一份要約或合同時,你必須同意簽署許多的書面作業, 那裡清楚地說明內容。 握手可以足以代表大部分約定的日子已經一去不復返了。 今天,我們必須在所有正式的文書蓋上法定印鑑。 但是,當我們談到友誼時,我們不希望必須要以簽定合約方式對待, 但是有時候,那是個好主意,雙子們。 如果你現在正和一位朋友或者是家人涉入一項努力時, 將所有的細節全部寫清楚以預防之後的誤會。 Ps.如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1608710335.A.D1C.html
文章代碼(AID): #1VulY_qS (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1VulY_qS (Gemini)