[情報] 01/22 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Guardian Angel)時間9年前 (2016/01/21 20:25), 編輯推噓10(1112)
留言14則, 13人參與, 最新討論串1/10 (看更多)
Gemini horoscope for Jan 22 2016 Gemini horoscope for Jan 22 2016 You may be in a carefree mood today, Gemini, and ready to start the weekend ea rly. If you don't complete all of your work-related tasks, though, before you take off, you may wind up with an even heavier workload. Besides, you probably wouldn't be able to forget about your responsibilities anyway. Just buckle do wn and get the work done. It probably won't take you as long as you fear. And, once your work is completed, you can have a truly carefree weekend. -- Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你今天也許是處於無憂無慮的心情狀態,雙子們, 並且準備提早度過週末。 如果你無法在你放假之前完成所有跟工作有關的任務, 你最後的工作量會更加繁重。 除此之外,你大概也無法忘記你的責任。 繫緊你的安全帶,並且把工作做完。 它就不會讓你擔憂恐懼。 一旦你的工作完成了,你就能真正擁有一個輕鬆自在(無憂無慮)的週末。 ps.如果有誤譯,請指正,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1453379107.A.EE0.html

01/21 20:26, , 1F
01/21 20:26, 1F

01/21 20:27, , 2F
那... 再怎麼努力這週末都不太可能無憂無慮了(眼神死)
01/21 20:27, 2F

01/21 20:28, , 3F
01/21 20:28, 3F

01/21 20:36, , 4F
01/21 20:36, 4F

01/21 21:05, , 5F
明天學測 無憂無慮平常心!!
01/21 21:05, 5F

01/21 21:32, , 6F
學測無憂無慮 推
01/21 21:32, 6F

01/21 22:30, , 7F
01/21 22:30, 7F

01/21 22:49, , 8F
01/21 22:49, 8F

01/21 22:57, , 9F
太準了= = 大家加油
01/21 22:57, 9F

01/22 00:50, , 10F
01/22 00:50, 10F

01/22 11:50, , 11F
01/22 11:50, 11F

01/22 13:42, , 12F
01/22 13:42, 12F

01/24 00:21, , 13F
準欸 考完就決定指考了 超無憂無慮
01/24 00:21, 13F

01/24 20:45, , 14F
01/24 20:45, 14F
文章代碼(AID): #1MeCuZxW (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1MeCuZxW (Gemini)