[情報] 10/11 Daily Horoscope

看板Capricornus (摩羯座(12/22-1/20))作者 (綠點)時間5年前 (2019/10/11 01:48), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 5年前最新討論串5/8 (看更多)
If someone is feeling insecure, they may become overly sensitive, uneasy, and filled with anxiety. The slightest comment can make that person react with hos tility, even if nothing critical was meant by it. If a loved one is being defe nsive now, it may not be because they resent your opinion. It may just be that they don't feel confident in what they are doing. Taking a supportive, encour aging stance could work wonders in helping this person to move forward feeling good about the situation and about themselves. - 當人們感到不安,就很容易會變得過度敏感且焦慮。只要一點點的評論就能使這樣的人充 滿敵意,儘管評論並無惡意。 如果你所愛的人此刻正在抵禦你,並不是他們討厭你的意見,只是他們對自己正在做的事 情沒有信心。 採取支持與鼓勵的態度將能充分的幫助這個人繼續向前邁進,並感覺好多了。 Copyright c Daily Horoscope -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1570729729.A.872.html

10/11 02:23, 5年前 , 1F
10/11 02:23, 1F

10/11 19:17, 5年前 , 2F
10/11 19:17, 2F

10/11 19:21, 5年前 , 3F
10/11 19:21, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1Tdsy1Xo (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1Tdsy1Xo (Capricornus)