[情報] 3/24 Daily Horoscope

看板Capricornus (摩羯座(12/22-1/20))作者 (Nobody)時間7年前 (2018/03/23 05:42), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 8人參與, 7年前最新討論串4/7 (看更多)
Capricorn horoscope for Saturday Mar 24 Did you wake up with a sense of relief this morning, Capricorn, and has that s ense of security and comfort been growing since then? If so, that is a true re flection of the direction your life is heading in right now. You may also find that people are treating you more thoughtfully, and situations that were once complex and difficult are beginning to work out easily. Don't take this for g ranted, but be conscious of it so you can enjoy it. And get as much done as po ssible during this positive time. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 魔魔,你今天早上醒來的時候是否感覺鬆了口氣,並且從那時起安全感與舒適感一直在增 長?如果是這樣,那就是你現在生活前進方向的真實反映。你也可能會發現人們對待你更 加深思熟慮,而曾經複雜而艱難的情況開始輕鬆解決。不要認為這是理所當然的,但要意 識到這一點,以便你可以享受它。在這個積極的時光之中,盡可能地多完成些事情。 - 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1521754948.A.7B1.html

03/23 09:48, 7年前 , 1F
03/23 09:48, 1F

03/23 10:22, 7年前 , 2F
03/23 10:22, 2F

03/23 10:53, 7年前 , 3F
03/23 10:53, 3F

03/23 18:31, 7年前 , 4F
03/23 18:31, 4F

03/23 18:54, 7年前 , 5F
03/23 18:54, 5F

03/23 20:08, 7年前 , 6F
03/23 20:08, 6F

03/24 00:52, 7年前 , 7F
03/24 00:52, 7F

03/24 16:35, 7年前 , 8F
03/24 16:35, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1Qj2D4Un (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1Qj2D4Un (Capricornus)