[轉錄] 10/03~16/03 Weekly Horoscope

看板Scorpio (天蠍座(10/24-11/22))作者 (貝對貝擁抱)時間19小時前 (2025/03/10 03:13), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 10小時前最新討論串1/1
Communication may be difficult this week with a family member who may be a bit jealous of you. They may have to work with you to settle a money-related matter, but their resentment may take over. Try to be understanding rather than defensive, and help them to see how this effort will also benefit them. That may make it easier. A casual friendship or romantic connection may take a turn toward a more serious involvement this week. This is someone you only saw as a temporary friend, but what you learn this week could intrigue you, making you want to get closer. Take it slow. If you have been thinking about making changes in your home to make it more welcoming or functional, this would be a favorable time to get started. Do some research and ask for feedback, and come up with a more formal plan. Make it fun. Frustration with a work or family matter may make you feel anxious later on in the week. Be careful that you destress in a way that is healthy rather than potentially damaging. For example, don't overspend on something that you'll later regret. On the weekend, an unexpected problem can be easily resolved just by reaching out to someone you don't really want to talk to. Even so, your interactions will be easy and not awkward in the least. 在本週,你跟某位有點嫉妒你的家人的溝通也許會有難度。他可能必須跟你一起處理 一項與金錢有關的議題,不過他的怨恨或許會佔上風。你要試著理解對方,而不是開 啟防禦狀態,並且幫助他看見你的付出將會如何讓他受益。這樣做的話,也許會讓事 情變得比較簡單。 一段隨性、輕鬆的友情或是情感關係可能會在本週變得更加嚴肅,你把這個人視為只 是一個生命中的過客,不過你在本週所學到的將會激起你的好奇心,讓你想要更近距 離地了解這個人,但你應該要慢慢來。 如果你一直在思考要改變居住環境,想改造成更歡迎客人來訪或機能更好的模樣,這 會是個很適合開始的時機。你要查一些資料,也要問問其他人的回饋意見,並且想出 一個更正式的計畫,然後把這件事變得好玩又有趣。 在下半週,因為工作或家庭事務所造成的挫敗感或許會讓你感到焦慮。要注意自己舒 緩壓力的方式是健康的,而不是會有可能對自己造成傷害的。舉例來說,不要花太多 錢在你之後會後悔的東西上。 週末的時候,只要你向某個你其實不太想溝通的人伸出援手,有個預料之外的問題就 會輕而易舉地被解決。即便如此,你們的互動將會變得輕鬆自在,也完全不會尷尬。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1741547631.A.610.html

03/10 11:59, 10小時前 , 1F
03/10 11:59, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1dpUXlOG (Scorpio)
文章代碼(AID): #1dpUXlOG (Scorpio)