[轉錄] 08/03 Daily Horoscope

看板Scorpio (天蠍座(10/24-11/22))作者 (貝對貝擁抱)時間2天前 (2025/03/08 00:03), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 1天前最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
Do not worry today about tomorrow, dear Scorpio. You have done too much of that lately. You may be so preoccupied with the future that you're forgetting about the gifts that you are blessed with in the now. While it is wise to prepare for the future - especially where your dreams and goals are concerned - it is unwise to ignore the good you already have in the form of relationships, talents, your home life, and so on. If you're worried about how something is going to turn out, let it go for now. Let things unfold naturally. Trust that you will be able to deal with whatever you face. 今天不要為了明天而擔憂,親愛的天蠍,你最近已經太過於杞人憂天了。你也許很專 心地在思考未來,以致於你忘記了現在自己是受到上天的眷顧而擁有其他的天賦。雖 然對未來做好準備是明智的做法—尤其是關於你的夢想與目標時—不過忽視自己在伴 侶關係、才華以及自己的居家生活等已經擁有的東西,那就顯得不太明智了。如果你 在擔心某件事最終結果會如何,現在就放手別管了,讓事情順其自然地發展,要相信 自己不論面臨了什麼,都將會有能力可以處理。 -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1741363426.A.BCB.html

03/08 10:36, 2天前 , 1F
03/08 10:36, 1F

03/09 09:05, 1天前 , 2F
03/09 09:05, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1donZYlB (Scorpio)
文章代碼(AID): #1donZYlB (Scorpio)