[轉錄] 01/01 Daily Horoscope

看板Scorpio (天蠍座(10/24-11/22))作者 (巴豆妖)時間2年前 (2022/01/01 00:45), 編輯推噓7(701)
留言8則, 8人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 1月 1 Scorpio horoscope for 星期六 1月 1 Despite being bogged down with a long list of responsibilities or challenges, Scorpio, you should be feeling considerably uplifted. There is something sweet tugging at your spirit, and even when you're facing a moment of trouble or fr ustration, you can't help but feel the corners of your mouth pull upward into a smile - and hopefully you are giving in fully to that feeling. While there m ay not be any visible sign of light at the end of the tunnel in certain areas of your life right now, it is there, and you can sense it. Today or very soon, you should begin to see things fall into place, and that will be the validati on you need. -- Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 儘管陷入一長串責任或挑戰的泥潭中,蠍子,你應該感到相當振奮。有一種甜蜜的東西牽 動著你的精神,即使當你面臨困境或沮喪的時候,你也會情不自禁地感覺嘴角向上拉成微 笑——希望你完全屈服於那感覺。雖然現在在你生活的某些領域,隧道盡頭可能沒有任何 可見的光跡象,但它就在那裡,你可以感覺到它。今天或很快,你應該會開始看到事情就 位,這將是您需要的驗證。 2022是屬於蠍子的一年 實現自我的一年 大家新年快樂 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1640969123.A.B44.html

01/01 01:41, 3年前 , 1F
01/01 01:41, 1F

01/01 01:55, 3年前 , 2F
01/01 01:55, 2F

01/01 03:20, 3年前 , 3F
01/01 03:20, 3F

01/01 09:24, 3年前 , 4F
01/01 09:24, 4F

01/01 09:55, 3年前 , 5F
01/01 09:55, 5F

01/01 10:15, 3年前 , 6F
感謝翻譯~~ 新年快樂~~
01/01 10:15, 6F

01/01 11:47, 3年前 , 7F
01/01 11:47, 7F

01/02 00:19, 3年前 , 8F
推推 新年快樂!
01/02 00:19, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1XppEZj4 (Scorpio)
文章代碼(AID): #1XppEZj4 (Scorpio)