[站內] The Genesis of Language已刪文
筆名:Samsa 出生年次:1997
性別:Male, if you like 身分:slug
收件ID:same 通信方式:in-web
希望性別:unrestricted 希望年齡:unrestricted
★個人自介(自我發揮空間,例如:興趣 / 喜好,最少寫滿100字)
Having checked the regulations, I think I am not going to be bucketed with all
this. Why not Chinese? Perhaps similiar to Beckett's case with English and
French, the former being too acute. Myself far from a writer in any sense,
Chinese is nonetheless too acute to confront directly. Beckett converts to
French to "alienate" himself; I require English to distance from myself,
and from your, as well as my own, gaze. Or else it is even impossible to type
and post anything here. Believe it or not, it's necessity, not posturing of
any sort. (Ironically when you use English you can hardly avoid using "I".)
But do you find it awkward, or even worse--senseless at all?
Anyway, it's totally fine with you to speak Chinese, and equally welcomed to
use English as I do. And I dont bother to use Chinese if you demand.
As far, is there anything important mentioned? I think not and the situation is
doomed. However much amount of imformation seems all insignificant. What is one
to say? What about? To whom? It seems kinds of conversation continue to go on,
but communication remains permanent failure. What's the use then, of language?
It is intuitive to think that the genesis of language derives from a striving
or furstration to transcend our isolation to build some kind of connection.
But things are not so easy, as are described in 《Waking Life》:
"Because words are inert. They're just symbols. They're dead, you know?
And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive
cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable." Is not the death of being the
consequence of the birth of words? In order to memorize, to recall,
I construct what was past through words, insipid and empty.
Is not what can be regained merely the fading
movement instead of what was present there?
Or, can there be an original Language, which is one and all before the tower of
Bable and subsequent punishment, and can be restored through translation
between languagues and the day of its realization would be the re-ligion.
Until now basically nothing is mentioned about the writer, and he doesn't
intent to. Blanchot on friendship: "Vainly do we try to maimain, with our
words, with our writings, what is absent; vainly do we offer it the appeal of
our memories and a sort of figure, the joy of remaining with the day,
life prolonged by a truthful appearance. We are only looking to fill a void,
we cannot bear the pain: the affirmation of this void." It is purposeless to
disclose myself which is nothing but a void.
I know the above, and below, and even this self-censorship are all nonsense,
ravings, and gibberish.
It is almost shameless to confide like this, and it is absolutely wretched
to display oneself in such an identity. God knows what propels me to do this,
who do not believe in the efficacy of words. The whole thing would appear how
ridiculous if it is accessed directly, and how shamelessly I pretend to be
unaware of its absurdity.
I apologize for the lack of organization and coherence, with the excuse that
I have nothing to talk about in the first place.
It comes to the end and let me be serious. One comes here because one gets
disappointed by such thing as "messages", "texts", fragments of lines and
unmeditated thought. I also sense that I am too lazy to be dedicated to
organize an article. So let the great tradition of mail-writing and its
legacies be restored from now on and communicate with patience and care!
-Emmanuel Levinas
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Penpal/M.1623692696.A.165.html
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Indeed, the author (is he qualified for the appellation of author?) keeps on
saying that nothing has been said, but did he smuggle, indoctrinate something
, or even deceive us exactly in the way? Did he disclose or conceal himself,
disclose himself by concealment, or conceal himself by disclosure? Indeed,
he appears so paradoxical, claiming that our attempts through language are
necessarily failure, but seems to do the opposite; people here are with faith
in words, but he insistently disclaimed their efficacy and warn of our
dependence on them. Of course he can narrate all the "facts" about him, things
he likes, what he has been through, the "objective information" that can be
received right away. But do they amount to him? What is one to know? How can
one agree to speak of a person? "Those who were closest say only what was
close to them, not the distance that affirmed itself in the proximity, and
distance ceases as soon as presense ceases, said Blanchot." What's demonstrated
here is nothing but an episode. For sure, something of the author is reflected
thus, but does it illuminate his obscurity, or rather, further obfuscate his
identity (or the lack of it)? It seems to digress too far. Anyway, despite
the distrust of words, we must not pass over the unspeakable to silence.
This is the paradox, the demand of the impossible.
※ 編輯: gregorsamsa ( 臺灣), 06/15/2021 19:19:27
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