[情報] Daily Horoscope 2024年6月

看板Libra (天秤座(9/23-10/23))作者 (DXDZ)時間8月前 (2024/06/21 14:10), 編輯推噓5(501)
留言6則, 6人參與, 8月前最新討論串1/1
Libra horoscope for 6月 Libra horoscope for 6月Your financial well-being, or perhaps your hopes for how things could be, may play a big part in your month. You may have spent a lot of time lately thinking about how to improve your financial status, and this month you may start to take it seriously. This is a great time to start exploring the ways you can do this, including ideas you may have for businesses or investing. This may not be the perfect time to get started, but if you arm yourself with knowledge, you can take an educated approach to getting what you want in the near future. This is also an excellent time to do some nurturing. Sometimes, Libra, taking care of something or someone can open your heart and help you get more in touch with your own emotions, which you may have been tamping down a lot lately due to stress or other circumstances. This might mean planting a garden, volunteering at an animal shelter, visiting lonely folks in a nursing home, or something along that line. It could help you feel so much better. You may not have been reaching your full potential in a project you have taken on, either at work or with something connected to your home. You have been a bit laisse-faire about this, and it's time to get serious. If you truly want to do the best job possible, and you do, you are encouraged to reach out to someone you know who can guide you, even if it means swallowing your pride. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh --- 你的財務狀況,或者你對財務狀況的期望會在你這個月份佔據很重要的部分。 你可能會花很多時間去想怎麼改善財務狀況,而這個月你開始會嚴肅以待。 這是一個好時機探索你可以做的各種方法,包括創業或投資。 儘管這可能不是完美的時機去開始,但如果你以知識武裝自己,將來可以採取明智的行動來達成。 這也是一個很好的時機去關愛他人。有時,秤秤,照顧某事或某人可以打開你的心,你最近壓抑了很多情感。 比如種植花園、在動物收容所做志工、探望養老院的孤獨老人,這些活動可讓你感覺好多了。 在你承擔的項目上,無論是在工作還是與家庭有關的事情上,你可能沒有發揮全部潛力。 你對這些有點漫不經心,是時候認真了。 如果你想要做到最好,你需要鼓起勇氣向你認識的人尋求指導,即使這要放下你的自尊。 - 本來想沒剩幾天不發了,後來想想如果最後幾天能幫到人也好。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Libra/M.1718950200.A.29F.html

06/21 17:56, 8月前 , 1F
06/21 17:56, 1F

06/21 22:08, 8月前 , 2F
06/21 22:08, 2F

06/22 09:10, 8月前 , 3F
06/22 09:10, 3F

06/22 12:12, 8月前 , 4F
06/22 12:12, 4F

06/24 01:24, 8月前 , 5F
06/24 01:24, 5F

06/24 12:36, 8月前 , 6F
06/24 12:36, 6F
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