Re: [情報] Daily horoscope 11/4
看板Leo (獅子座(7/23-8/22))作者tingapple (esmeralda)時間9年前 (2015/11/03 23:22)推噓1(1推 0噓 5→)留言6則, 6人參與討論串2/2 (看更多)
※ 引述《victoriameow (不能夠陪你)》之銘言:
: A positive development in a problematic situation may come as a surprise today, Leo.
: It may be so unexpected, in fact, that it could seem almost lie a miracle.
: Because this solution may seem so improbably, you may begin to doubt it.
: And when you begin to doubt it, you may start to question it in an effort to figure out how it could be possible.
: That would be the wrong approach.
: If a solution comes to you today- one that you have hoped for, prayed for, or begged the univers for-then just accept it with gratitude, and be happy about it.
: Copyright c Daily Horoscope.
: Download it now —
: 妳的窘境即將被扭轉,就像有人要給妳大驚喜一樣:D
: 可能妳從來沒想過事情會這樣發生,彷彿奇蹟發生在自己身上
: 因為這樣的發展乍看之下根本不符合邏輯,所以妳又開始懷疑他
: 妳開始想要當個偵探,想要查明事情的真相(只有一個)(誤)
: 但是,別這樣吧!
: 在今天走進妳生活當中的,恐怕是妳長久以來一直希望,祈禱,甚至和宇宙發願望要求的答案
: 滿懷感激而且開開心心得接受他就是!:P
: 噢 我也想要奇蹟(許願)
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11/04 00:40, , 1F
11/04 00:40, 1F
11/04 01:22, , 2F
11/04 01:22, 2F
11/04 01:22, , 3F
11/04 01:22, 3F
11/04 01:34, , 4F
11/04 01:34, 4F
11/04 07:48, , 5F
11/04 07:48, 5F
11/04 16:08, , 6F
11/04 16:08, 6F
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