[情報] 03/13 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Guardian Angel)時間4天前 (2025/03/12 10:34), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 3天前最新討論串10/10 (看更多)
An element of fear might be useful to you as you make an important decision - but only if there truly is something to fear. If there is, you can face that f ear realistically and decide if that frightening component can be managed or c onquered. If not, you can move on. However, if the object of your concern does not really pose a threat, then you need to recognize that to make the best de cision. Today, make it all about figuring that out, dear Gemini. It will help immensely as you make an important choice. 當你做出重要決定時,恐懼元素可能對你有用 — 但前提是真的有值得恐懼的事情。 如果真的有,你可以實際地面對那恐懼,並決定要管理還是克服這令人恐懼的部分。 如果沒有,你可以繼續前進。 然而,如果你關心的對象並不能真正造成威脅, 那麼你需要認知到這一點才能做出最好的決定。 今天,親愛的雙子座,一切都是為了弄清楚。 當你做出重要選擇時,它會提供巨大的幫助。 Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1741746843.A.499.html

03/13 11:56, 3天前 , 1F
03/13 11:56, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1dqFARIP (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1dqFARIP (Gemini)