[情報] 01/04 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Nicolas)時間5年前 (2020/01/03 10:19), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 2人參與, 5年前最新討論串6/11 (看更多)
There is no one single way to deal with a problem, Gemini. There are, however, plenty of people who will tell you that there is. Usually, they have their ow n way of doing things, and they may expect that what works for them will work for you too. They may have good intentions, but it does not always work that w ay. So, ignore someone else's tried-and-true solution to your problem, and com e up with a solution of your own. This is a very solvable matter, and you need to follow what feels right to you personally. 那裡不會只有一種解決方案,雙子們。 然而,那裡有許多的人會告訴你只有一種解決方案。 通常,他們有他們的做事方法,他們期待那樣對你也行得通。 他們也許有好的意圖,但是它不是都會管用。 所以,忽略他們久經考驗的解決方案,你自己想出你自己一套的解決方案。 這是可以解決的問題,你需要跟著你個人對的感覺走。 Ps.如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1578017956.A.B1C.html

01/04 00:56, 5年前 , 1F
01/04 00:56, 1F

01/04 11:36, 5年前 , 2F
01/04 11:36, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1U3gIaiS (Gemini)
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文章代碼(AID): #1U3gIaiS (Gemini)