[情報] 09/19 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Nicolas)時間7年前 (2017/09/18 20:02), 編輯推噓10(1002)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串3/10 (看更多)
When you become involved in a draining, difficult project, you might start fantasizing about the moment you can just lie down on the couch and relax. The more you think about it, the harder it is to keep going. You may be at a point of fatigue with a certain project now, Gemini. It may be very hard to keep going when all you can think about is quitting because of the mental and/or physical exhaustion. But you must keep going. Instead of thinking about withdrawing, fantasize instead about that moment of completion, when you feel really good about yourself. 當你牽涉到一個消耗枯竭、困難重重的計畫時,你也許會開始幻想: 你只想躺在沙發上休息。 當你愈是這麼想,你就愈難往前進。 隨著目前一些特定的計畫,你已經到達疲累的點。 因為你的身體和心靈都已經精疲力盡,當你滿腦子都在想要退出時, 就非常難繼續向前邁進。 但是,你一定要繼續向前行。 與其想著要撤退,還不如幻想當你完成任務的時候, 你真的覺得自己很棒! Ps.如果有誤譯或者是翻譯得不通順之處,歡迎指教,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1505736157.A.1FB.html

09/18 20:08, , 1F
09/18 20:08, 1F

09/18 21:40, , 2F
09/18 21:40, 2F

09/18 22:05, , 3F
好適合現在的我 論文卡關嗚嗚
09/18 22:05, 3F

09/19 00:18, , 4F
09/19 00:18, 4F

09/19 00:20, , 5F
09/19 00:20, 5F

09/19 00:31, , 6F
論文卡關+1 都在想要不要休學了QQ
09/19 00:31, 6F

09/19 01:41, , 7F
09/19 01:41, 7F

09/19 05:35, , 8F
很疲憊 為了夢想還是要撐下去QAQ
09/19 05:35, 8F

09/19 07:12, , 9F
09/19 07:12, 9F

09/19 07:12, , 10F
09/19 07:12, 10F

09/19 07:12, , 11F
09/19 07:12, 11F

09/19 07:22, , 12F
09/19 07:22, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1PlxNT7x (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1PlxNT7x (Gemini)