[情報] 03/17 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Nicolas)時間8年前 (2017/03/16 18:41), 編輯推噓9(902)
留言11則, 11人參與, 最新討論串2/11 (看更多)
You may have made a commitment to a social event, or you may choose to do so i n the very near future. This may already be on your mind, Gemini. But instead of looking forward to th at time with happiness and anticipation, you may be worrying about it. Maybe you are worried about what to wear or what to say or who to talk to, to the point where it's becoming more of a chore than joy. Relax and try to remember the point of going. You need some fun in your life n ow; not additional stress. 你也許曾經答應(許諾)過一個社交事件,或是你在不久的將來即將這麼做。 這也許早就在你的腦海中計畫盤旋,雙子們。 但是,你不是隨著時間的逼近而感覺既快樂又期待,你反而擔心它。 也許你擔心該穿什麼衣服、該說什麼話、或者是該和誰說話, 切中要點來說,那就變成一種日常例行的工作而非愉快。 放輕鬆並且試著去想(記得)事情進行到哪裡。 你現在的生活需要一點樂子;而不是額外的壓力。 PS.如果有誤譯或者是翻譯得不通順之處,請指教,謝謝。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1489660860.A.C7A.html

03/16 19:33, , 1F
放鬆 吸吸吐
03/16 19:33, 1F

03/16 19:52, , 2F
好準喔 五月要當伴娘
03/16 19:52, 2F

03/16 20:33, , 3F
好準,最近要面試 這幾天很開心但也非常焦慮qq
03/16 20:33, 3F

03/16 20:58, , 4F
03/16 20:58, 4F

03/16 21:56, , 5F
03/16 21:56, 5F

03/16 22:39, , 6F
03/16 22:39, 6F

03/16 22:51, , 7F
03/16 22:51, 7F

03/17 00:41, , 8F
03/17 00:41, 8F

03/17 02:17, , 9F
謝謝翻譯 很準 最近壓力好大 在低落情緒中走不出來Q
03/17 02:17, 9F

03/17 06:27, , 10F
03/17 06:27, 10F

03/17 14:54, , 11F
03/17 14:54, 11F
文章代碼(AID): #1Oockynw (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1Oockynw (Gemini)