[情報] 07/24 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Nicolas)時間8年前 (2016/07/23 19:30), 8年前編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 3人參與, 最新討論串2/10 (看更多)
Gemini horoscope for Jul 24 2016 Gemini horoscope for Jul 24 2016 You may want to seek out someone's opinion now on a matter that is important f or you. You admire this individual's insight, and you may think you can find g uidance that is both astute and intuitive. However, Gemini, do you really want the truth, or do you just want this person to encourage and motivate you no m atter what? If it's the latter, then you won't have a constructive guide. If i t's the former, though, you'll have the benefit of seeing a perspective that c an help you to perfect your ideas and aim for success. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 關於一個重要的事情,現在你想要尋求某個人的意見。 你敬佩(欣賞)這個人的洞見,而你認為你可以找到既精明又有直覺性的指引。 然而,雙子們,你真的想要的是事實,或是你只是想要這個人鼓勵你、誘發你(刺激你) 無論是什麼事情? 如果是後者,你不會得到建設性的指導。 如果是前者,你將會因為看到一個(新的)觀點而獲利, 而那可以幫助你讓你的點子更完美,並且瞄準成功。 ps.如有誤譯或是不通順的地方,請指正,謝謝。 王安石的詩,別方劭秘校 和 別葛使君 https://imgur.com/SBIEMud
因為我的手機一次拍到兩首詩, 就當作7/23和24的兩天功課好了。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung SM-N910U -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1469273444.A.08A.html ※ 編輯: Nicolas01 (, 07/23/2016 19:33:36

07/23 20:00, , 1F
07/23 20:00, 1F

07/23 20:00, , 2F
07/23 20:00, 2F

07/23 22:28, , 3F
07/23 22:28, 3F

07/23 22:52, , 4F
07/23 22:52, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1NarLa2A (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1NarLa2A (Gemini)