[情報] 03/04 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini (雙子座(5/21-6/21))作者 (Guardian Angel)時間9年前 (2016/03/03 21:05), 9年前編輯推噓8(805)
留言13則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/10 (看更多)
Gemini horoscope for Mar 4 2016 Gemini horoscope for Mar 4 2016 You are usually a very positive person. You are realistic, but you expect the best from every endeavor. At least that's how you are most of the time, Gemini . Now, though, you may be considering a work-related venture that could have a few hidden flaws. It is always good to be optimistic, but you may choose not to see the reality in this case because you have such high hopes for the outco me. If you take the time to be honest about potential flaws in this endeavor a nd then deal with them, you can make it successful. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你通常是個非常正向的人。 你是實際的,但是你期望你所有的努力都可以獲得最好的成果。 至少,大部分的時候你是如此,雙子們。 現在,你也許認為一個與工作有關的未來,那裡暗藏裂縫(瑕疵)。 樂觀也許是很好的,但是在這個事件中,你也許選擇不要看見這個事實, 因為你總是對結果有很高的期望。 如果你花點時間誠實的面對這份努力中潛在的裂縫(瑕疵),然後去處理它們, 你可以讓它成功的! ps.第三句我不太會翻譯,煩請板上的大大們指正,謝謝。 明天的運勢又說中我的心。 -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my samsung SM-N910U -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gemini/M.1457010355.A.874.html

03/03 22:15, , 1F
03/03 22:15, 1F

03/03 22:48, , 2F
03/03 22:48, 2F

03/03 22:48, , 3F
03/03 22:48, 3F

03/03 22:48, , 4F
03/03 22:48, 4F
感謝樓上waitriver大的指正,謝謝。 ※ 編輯: tsaosp (, 03/03/2016 23:44:44

03/03 23:47, , 5F
03/03 23:47, 5F

03/04 00:43, , 6F
03/04 00:43, 6F

03/04 01:54, , 7F
03/04 01:54, 7F

03/04 01:54, , 8F
03/04 01:54, 8F

03/04 09:37, , 9F
推 認真唸書+1
03/04 09:37, 9F

03/04 11:06, , 10F
認真唸書+1 !一定會過的!
03/04 11:06, 10F

03/04 11:08, , 11F
03/04 11:08, 11F

03/04 12:57, , 12F
03/04 12:57, 12F

03/04 15:43, , 13F
03/04 15:43, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1Ms3QpXq (Gemini)
文章代碼(AID): #1Ms3QpXq (Gemini)