[情報] 3/26 Daily Horoscope

看板Capricornus (摩羯座(12/22-1/20))作者 (Nobody)時間7年前 (2018/03/25 00:07), 編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 7年前最新討論串4/6 (看更多)
Capricorn horoscope for Monday Mar 26 Putting together a thousand-piece puzzle can become very frustrating when you can't find the piece you want, or you can't find the place a piece fits into. In situations like that, the experienced person may choose to concentrate on t hose pieces or places that do have obvious matches. When those are all finally out of the way, the picture becomes clearer and easier to fill. You may be fa cing a confusing dilemma now, Capricorn. Handle the most obvious issues first, and the rest will fall into place more easily. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 拼湊一個一千片的拼圖可能會變得非常令人沮喪,當你找不到想要的那一片,或者無法找 到手中這一片該放在哪裡。在這種情況下,有經驗的人可能會選擇專注於那些確實有明顯 配合的拼圖片或者部分。當所有這些都完全消除時,圖像就會變得更加清晰和容易填滿。 魔魔,現在你可能會面臨困惑的兩難。首先處理最明顯的問題,其餘問題將更容易落實。 - 版權所有c 每日星座運勢。 立即下載 - http://comitic.com/dh -- posted from bbs reader hybrid on my asus ASUS_Z01HDA -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1521907623.A.72B.html

03/25 00:21, 7年前 , 1F
03/25 00:21, 1F

03/25 01:18, 7年前 , 2F
03/25 01:18, 2F

03/25 11:22, 7年前 , 3F
03/25 11:22, 3F

03/25 16:53, 7年前 , 4F
03/25 16:53, 4F

03/25 17:46, 7年前 , 5F
03/25 17:46, 5F

03/26 17:54, 7年前 , 6F
03/26 17:54, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1QjdUdSh (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1QjdUdSh (Capricornus)