[情報] 5/25 Daily Horoscope

看板Capricornus (摩羯座(12/22-1/20))作者 (Nobody)時間7年前 (2017/05/24 06:16), 編輯推噓11(1106)
留言17則, 12人參與, 最新討論串3/6 (看更多)
Capricorn horoscope for Thursday May 25 You have miracles to perform, waters to part, conflicts to mediate, and lions to tame. In other words, Capricorn, today you may feel a bit like a superhero. You aren't one to shy away from a challenge, but you may be wondering if you have taken on too much, or if someone has thrust too much upon you. Maybe they have, and maybe it wasn't fair, but you are up to it anyway. You could back out, of course, but that wouldn't sit right with you. You are someone who steps up and does the right thing. Do so now, and the stars will send whatever assistance you may need. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 奇蹟等著你去展現----摩西分紅海、調解衝突,獅子馴服。換句話說,魔魔,今天你可能會覺得有點像超級英雄。你不是一個迴避挑戰的人,但你可能會思考自己是否已經承擔了太多的工作,或者某人放了太多在你的肩上。也許他們有,也許這是不公平的,但無論如何你現在正在火線上。當然,你可以退出,但這樣的做法不讓你感到滿意與認同。你是個挺身而出和做對的事情的人。現在就這樣做,星星會發送你需要的任何幫助。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1495577788.A.83E.html

05/24 06:18, , 1F
05/24 06:18, 1F

05/24 06:45, , 2F
05/24 06:45, 2F

05/24 09:24, , 3F
05/24 09:24, 3F

05/24 09:29, , 4F
05/24 09:29, 4F

05/24 09:30, , 5F
05/24 09:30, 5F

05/24 09:47, , 6F
I hate that I always try to do the right thing...
05/24 09:47, 6F

05/24 11:03, , 7F
05/24 11:03, 7F

05/24 11:21, , 8F
05/24 11:21, 8F

05/24 11:21, , 9F
05/24 11:21, 9F

05/24 12:46, , 10F
05/24 12:46, 10F

05/24 17:25, , 11F
05/24 17:25, 11F

05/24 19:01, , 12F
05/24 19:01, 12F

05/24 19:09, , 13F
05/24 19:09, 13F

05/24 19:27, , 14F
05/24 19:27, 14F

05/24 23:10, , 15F
推 送給我健康吧
05/24 23:10, 15F

05/25 07:10, , 16F
05/25 07:10, 16F

05/25 08:52, , 17F
推 直直的衝一波
05/25 08:52, 17F
文章代碼(AID): #1P9BIyW- (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1P9BIyW- (Capricornus)