[情報] 6/2 Daily Horoscope

看板Capricornus (摩羯座(12/22-1/20))作者 (楊小蒼)時間9年前 (2015/06/01 18:42), 編輯推噓24(2401)
留言25則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/6 (看更多)
Capricorn horoscope for Jun 2 2015 You may be sick of the phoniness of "reality" television. You may be sick of h earing about the tired complaints of certain pampered celebrities. You may be questioning the lack of positive stories on the local news program. You may be feeling cynical in general now, Capricorn, and you have every right to be. It 's hard to feel inspired or optimistic when things like this are preoccupying your mind. This is a good time to step back and look at the big picture of you r life. There may be some truly wonderful things that you are missing because you're so focused on the dreary. Look around, and inspire yourself. -- Copyright ꤠDaily Horoscope. Download it now — http://comitic.com/dh 你也許已經對所謂「真實」電視節目的虛假感到作噁。你也許已經厭煩於聆聽煩人的抱怨 ,關於那些受寵的明星紅人。你或許質疑地方新聞節目缺乏正向的故事。大致而言,你現 在或許是感覺憤世嫉俗的,魔魔,而你有你的權利去這樣覺得。當像這樣的事情充斥著你 的心,你很難感覺樂觀或者精神振奮的。這是一個極佳的時間點,讓你退開來,看看生命 的大藍圖。因為太過注視著令人恐懼的事情,你或許沒注意到某些真正美好的事物。 看看你的四周,然後鼓舞自己吧! 對,看看自己四周 我失去了一個很重要的人 但她並不是我生命的全部… 或許我把這個損失看得太大了。 -- Sent from my Android -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Capricornus/M.1433155320.A.E3D.html

06/01 18:46, , 1F
對阿 太多恐懼的事情了 但還是要面對
06/01 18:46, 1F

06/01 19:08, , 2F
失去啊 呵呵人生就是不斷的放下吧(
06/01 19:08, 2F

06/01 19:08, , 3F
淚 我不想失去…
06/01 19:08, 3F

06/01 19:49, , 4F
06/01 19:49, 4F

06/01 20:32, , 5F
06/01 20:32, 5F

06/01 20:37, , 6F
06/01 20:37, 6F

06/01 22:04, , 7F
06/01 22:04, 7F

06/01 22:18, , 8F
06/01 22:18, 8F

06/01 22:30, , 9F
06/01 22:30, 9F

06/01 22:32, , 10F
06/01 22:32, 10F

06/01 22:58, , 11F
06/01 22:58, 11F

06/01 23:01, , 12F
06/01 23:01, 12F

06/01 23:28, , 13F
06/01 23:28, 13F

06/02 00:12, , 14F
推 拍拍
06/02 00:12, 14F

06/02 01:19, , 15F
06/02 01:19, 15F

06/02 01:57, , 16F
要不要這麼準 哀
06/02 01:57, 16F

06/02 02:18, , 17F
06/02 02:18, 17F

06/02 02:27, , 18F
06/02 02:27, 18F

06/02 02:31, , 19F
06/02 02:31, 19F

06/02 06:17, , 20F
06/02 06:17, 20F

06/02 07:49, , 21F
06/02 07:49, 21F

06/02 08:27, , 22F
06/02 08:27, 22F

06/02 08:34, , 23F
06/02 08:34, 23F

06/02 14:26, , 24F
推 注意美好的事物
06/02 14:26, 24F

06/03 00:17, , 25F
06/03 00:17, 25F
文章代碼(AID): #1LR3Ruuz (Capricornus)
文章代碼(AID): #1LR3Ruuz (Capricornus)