[情報] 2024/09 Monthly Horoscope

看板Cancer (巨蟹座(6/22-7/22))作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間2周前 (2024/09/02 08:45), 編輯推噓1(101)
留言2則, 2人參與, 2周前最新討論串1/1
這個月可能是巨大夢想接近實現或真正成真的時刻。 無論這只是一個特別的夢想,或是幾個滿懷希望的願望,希望的實現會讓你感覺到你的目 的得到了確認。 親愛的月之子,你是個大夢想家,有時候人們會因為你的夢想有多高遠而把你當成太夢想 化或不切實際的人。 希望你已經學會讓這些評論從你身邊飛過,因為你必須有夢想才能讓你的夢想成真! 九月的第一個星期,你可以期待一個與金錢有關的希望能展現巨大的希望。 這可能是透過一個幸運的突破,甚至是透過一個創造性的努力帶來一些金錢。 九月的第二個星期,在人際關係方面可能會變得嚴肅一點,以激烈的方式。 這可能意味著一個醞釀已久的衝突可能會出現。 雖然你不是很想處理,但你可以也應該處理。 如果你這樣做了,它會在你自己的心目中結束一些在你的生活中造成了很大傷害的事情。 九月的下旬,某人的大於生活的故事可能會被證實。 這可能會讓你感到有點內疚,因為你懷疑別人告訴你的事。 這沒關係,因為它可能很牽強 - 但知道它是真實的將強調你信任這個人的能力。 Cancer horoscope for 9月 This month could be a time of big dreams either coming closer to fruition or a ctually coming true. Whether this is just one special dream or a few hopeful a spirations, the fulfillment of your hopes will give you a feeling of your purp ose being validated. You are a big dreamer, dear Moonchild, and sometimes peop le treat you as too dreamy or unrealistic because of how lofty your dreams are . Hopefully you have learned to let those kinds of comments fly right past you , because you have to have dreams to have your dreams come true! The first wee k of September, you can expect a hope that involves money to show great promis e. This may be either through a lucky break or even through a creative effort that brings in some money. The second week of September might get a bit more s erious on the relationship front, in an intense way. This could mean that a co nflict could come up that has been simmering for a long while. And, while you will not really want to deal with it, you can and you should. If you do, it wi ll lead to closure in your own mind for something that has done a lot of damag e in your life. Later in the month, someone's larger-than-life story may turn out to be true. This may make you feel a bit guilty because you doubted what y ou were told. That's okay, as it was probably pretty far-fetched - but knowing it is real will underscore your ability to trust this person. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1725237941.A.2D2.html

09/02 11:27, 2周前 , 1F
09/02 11:27, 1F

09/02 12:04, 2周前 , 2F
09/02 12:04, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1crGgrBI (Cancer)
文章代碼(AID): #1crGgrBI (Cancer)