[問題] 我請chatgpt出英文題目 大家可以答出來?

看板WomenTalk (女人話題)作者 (GOLD)時間1周前 (2024/09/09 14:40), 編輯推噓1(1013)
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我請chatgpt出英文題目 大家可以答出來嗎? 總共9個答案 CNN文章: https://reurl.cc/kyM0j3 chatgpt 請依據上篇文章,出3道英文是非題,3道英文是選擇題,3道英文填空題,題型要普通難 度的,答案放在最後面。 ### True or False 1. Teachers believe smartphones help students focus during class. 2. Playing with peers is important for developing social skills. 3. The article suggests that checking phones at lunch improves friendships. ### Multiple Choice 1. What percentage of teachers say phones are a major distraction in class? a) 50% b) 72% c) 25% 2. Why does the article recommend children leave phones at home? a) To improve learning focus b) To increase screen time c) To enhance multitasking 3. How many notifications do teens typically receive each day? a) 50 b) 237 c) 100 ### Fill in the Blanks 1. ACT scores have reached the _______ level in over 30 years. 2. Some parents worry about emergencies like a _______ at school. 3. Using smartphones can interfere with students' ability to _______ in class. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/WomenTalk/M.1725864000.A.756.html

09/09 15:24, 1周前 , 1F
看了頭暈 不過我都用來學日文 好用
09/09 15:24, 1F

09/09 15:51, 1周前 , 2F
09/09 15:51, 2F

09/09 15:53, 1周前 , 3F
09/09 15:53, 3F

09/09 15:53, 1周前 , 4F
09/09 15:53, 4F

09/09 15:53, 1周前 , 5F
09/09 15:53, 5F

09/09 17:40, 1周前 , 6F
09/09 17:40, 6F

09/10 06:29, 1周前 , 7F
09/10 06:29, 7F

09/10 06:32, 1周前 , 8F
09/10 06:32, 8F

09/10 06:32, 1周前 , 9F
子 主要是訓練自己閱讀英文題目耐性
09/10 06:32, 9F

09/10 06:32, 1周前 , 10F
閱讀提升後就不用了 這方法太慢
09/10 06:32, 10F

09/10 06:35, 1周前 , 11F
09/10 06:35, 11F

09/10 06:35, 1周前 , 12F
用Quizizz 免費的 也有pdf丟進去Ai
09/10 06:35, 12F

09/10 06:35, 1周前 , 13F
09/10 06:35, 13F

09/10 06:36, 1周前 , 14F
Q拿來做題 Chat比較適合拿來問問題
09/10 06:36, 14F
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文章代碼(AID): #1ctfX0TM (WomenTalk)