[討論] Virgo horoscope for 2024年

看板Virgo (處女座(8/23-9/22))作者 (visreum)時間1年前 (2024/01/09 22:57), 編輯推噓20(2000)
留言20則, 20人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
Virgo horoscope for 2024年 翻譯: [總體] 2024這一年,已經承諾給處女座帶來令人興奮的可能性以及潛在的挑戰。儘管你們的努力和勤奮為你們帶來重要的職業成就,不過你們的個人感情生活可能就不會有那麼巨大的成長。然而,在社會中活躍的個體可能會從跟他人的互動中得到巨大的成功和滿足感。 2024的處女座運勢強調追求目標與同時維持良好生活的重要性。雖然維持企圖心非常重要,但為了避免讓自己覺得被壓力淹沒,感到枯竭,延後某些計畫可能是必要的。建議你對自己的情緒保持小心,避免負面的思想影響到你的行為。透過對自我警覺的練習,以及將追求目標跟自我生活同時放在重要的位子,處女座們可以度過充滿目標的一年,並且有非凡的收穫。 儘管可能存在潛在的障礙,2024對於處女座來說,會是一個充滿密集收穫跟成長的年份。透過接受新的機會,發展親密的關係,維持生活的平衡,你們可以將挑戰轉換為墊腳石,在生活中的各種方面達到非凡的成就。 2024這一年,由1到5月的好運展開。此時的星象使得處女座能夠解決複雜的問題,探索新的領域,並且建立有意義的關係。同時,另外一個星象則使處女座拋開一如既往的猶豫不決,使你們拋開固有的過時思想,並且擁抱新的思考方式。這種觀點的改變,讓處女座能夠適應不斷改變的困難,並且在自身的努力中成長。然而,在9月到11月這段期間,處女座的活動可能會趨於平靜。在這個期間,建議你們小心行事,並且延後一些重要的行動,直到宇宙的風向再次朝向你們。 東方的星座運勢更加深遠地影響了2024年的潛力,今年是由龍來主導。這個神話中的生物喜歡那些堅持不懈和具有耐心的人,祂也將挑戰視為自我成長和改進的機會而非障礙。然而,龍的影響也會使處女座將追求專業的個人成就看得比發展長期關係來得更重要。為了維持這件事的平衡,處女座可能需要使用一些社交技巧來維持與愛人的和諧。另外,在2024的運勢上,也建議處女座將自身的健康排在較重要的位子,對細小的疾病保持警惕,並且重視自我照顧。最後,也建議你在財務和法律文件方面保持小心,因為如果沒有保持對細節的注意,可能會有潛在的衝突發生。 透過擁抱木星和冥王星的變革能量,駕馭龍所帶來的決心能量,並且將自我察覺及照顧放在優先的位子,處女座可以在2024年使用耐心和恢復力,在個人和專業方面都達到非凡的成就。 [感情] 在愛情方面,2024這一年承諾給處女座帶來活躍的一頁。雖然工作也需要你的注意力,但熱情的邂逅和預料之外的愛情會充滿你的心。新的連結可能會在2024非常初期的階段就開始,有些甚至能在年中的時候與你結成姻緣。對於已婚的伴侶來說,短暫的分開將會重新點燃你們愛情的火花。 在3月到4月期間,處女座可能會被愛情的力量所迷惑,沈浸在幻想之中,期待著浪漫的邂逅。已婚的伴侶則應該對另一半保持開放的溝通,單身的朋友則鼓勵你們,積極地去尋找潛在可能的伴侶。這個期間同樣也是一個非常適合求婚或準備婚禮的時期,理想的婚禮日期則可以落在2024年中或是年末。 夏天則是一個適合處女座去沈浸在他們的慾望,或是擁抱新感情機會的一個時期。有可能是假期中突如其來的愛情,或是一段認真的關係中的美好進展,也可能是與同事的浪漫發展。你們被鼓勵去表達自己的感覺,儘管你們的發展是不明確的。伴隨著你的熱情,你擁有力量去融化冰冷的心,並且點燃你欣賞的人心中的火花。已婚的處女座們,可以跨越關係中的誤解,並且強化你們之間的連結,在性事上也會有所進展。 在下半年的開始,強烈的情感會開始消退。單身的處女座還沒有找到理想的另一半的話,或許在年底前適合保持單身。然而,找到靈魂伴侶的人,適合規劃他們共同的未來,因為他們的愛將會在2024發展,並且有著強化的連結,這也將繼續加深。 透過擁抱今年固有的浪漫能量,培養開放的溝通,並且對自己的感情需求保持警覺,處女座可以在2024以自信的姿態發展愛情,經驗熱情的邂逅和強韌的連結。 [家庭] 關於處女座的2024家庭運勢,將會在一些停滯期中逐漸進步。你們的重心可能會自然而然地放在專業上,導致你們避免在個人生活上做出重大決定。這個將工作放在優先位子的傾向可能會使你們將家庭的責任分給你們的手足,有可能會造成一些爭議,甚至是一些感情上的裂痕。然而,處女座原有的提出承諾的能力會幫助你們舒緩緊張的情況。夏天的幾個月提供一個機會讓你去規劃一個家庭旅遊。你的配偶可能會發現自己已經寬恕過去的過錯,並且開始珍惜在一起的美好時光。 對還沒有結婚的處女座來說,處女座可能會發現自己接受婚姻的想法,如果處女座的伴侶表現出真誠的承諾和努力。 經過了上半年,家庭的狀況可能不會有太多改變。儘管處女座可能用禮物來表達自己對愛人的感情,他們的時間依然受到限制。你們的主要目標可能會專注在解決實際的問題,並且確保家庭的物質生活。然而,這個期間也提供解決與親戚間的長期糾紛的機會,在大家庭中營造更和諧的氛圍。一個潛在的的混亂可能會出現在10月,對已婚的伴侶產生一些緊張的張力。 12月提供處女座們一個緩解的機會。有些人可能會透過婚禮來強化承諾,其他人也可能是計畫放鬆的假期,或是為家庭準備驚喜,例如海外旅遊。 如果能在職業的期望與對家庭的承諾中找到平衡,處女座們可以在2024很好的同時發展實用主義與感情。對愛人的需要保持上心,並且為有意義的連結創造機會,這些機會能夠強壯和維持你與家人之間的聯繫。 [事業] 在事業發展方面,2024的處女座將會達成不凡的成就,以及重要的個人專業成長。有企圖心的渴望和組織過的良好能力,使得處女座們能夠找到資源和決心去專心和堅持地執行你們的計畫。無論是愛情、家庭事務還是健康問題,都不會阻礙你們對成功的不懈追求。你們最初的勞動成果將會最早顯現在2月,提供一個有形的結果,讓你們看到未來的成就。對於那些想要轉換跑道的人,年中是一個好的時機,也可以嘗試自由業,或甚至創業。不過,在這個專業成長的期間,不鼓勵處女座們向外部尋求支援。因為你的愛人不一定了解相關專業,你的同事們可能還會阻礙你的進展。갊菑浀a,處女座應該專注在自我成長上,學習新的技能並且持續發展舊的專業,增加你們的專業技術,並且讓自己有更多經驗。 另外,也建議處女座在年中的時候休息一下,儘管只是幾天也好。經過一個良好的休息,處女座們將會帶著充滿的能量回到專業職場上,並且對優秀的表現有堅定的決心。處女座被鼓勵擺脫任何之前揮之不去的疑慮,並積極展示他們非凡的商業頭腦。試著主動說話,為複雜的挑戰提出解決方法,參與令人矚目的專案,並且接受額外的責任,這將會為你的未來做出貢獻。然而,面對到不可避免的波動和工作上的不確定性,處女座必須在對重要目標的效率追求上保持一定的平衡感。處女座也不應該在面對困難時選擇等待,因為這可能只會導致收入的消耗也使就業上遇到困難。 今年的下半年,對處女座來說是一個適當的期間去增加自己的視野並且擴充你們的人際網路。參加相關的商業活動,不只能擴展你們的視野,也能為你培養未來的重要夥伴。 透過你們原有的,你們新習得的技術,還有你們新發展的人際網路,處女座能在2024的事業版圖上自信地發展,得到往上晉升的成果和專業上的成就。 [財運] 關於2024的金融方面,任何事都有可能發生,除了維持穩定。今年的金融運勢處於一個持續不確定的時期,可能會造成一些重大壓力和緊張。隨著一年的開始,處女座可能會看到收入減少,款項延遲,甚至有因詐騙而造成的潛在損失。這一時期需要大力關注儲蓄和謹慎的支出。 直到4月左右,即使收入來源穩定,處女座也建議避免重大開支。處女座也應該儘量避免貸款。然而,如果你們在上半年遇到投資機會,可以透過仔細評估投資的可靠性,並尋求值得信賴的金融專家的建議來獲得成功。 來到下半年,增加收入的方面將會出現一些希望,可能是因為增加的工作量或是一些被動收入的提升。家庭的情況也會重大地影響處女座的財務狀況。雖然你們可能從親屬那邊得到大量的款項,但你們也可能因為家人而有大筆支出。然而,這些支出應該不會嚴重影響你們財務的穩定程度,因為很快就會有新的收入出現。 來到2024的尾聲,處女座將會得到一筆穩定的收入來源。可能來自成功的副業,或是銷售一些你們不再需要用到的東西。這也可以是因為一筆投資,或是器材的租借等等。 透過對財務的謹慎處理,對風險保持警惕,以及策略性的利用機會,處女座能在2024的不確定性中保有穩定。 [健康] 關於健康方面,處女座必須重視預防方面來維持健康。如果沒有做好健康管理,傳染性疾病和一般感冒可能會對你造成嚴重的威脅。建議你在寒冷的天氣中穿著溫暖,並且不要花太多時間待在人潮擁擠的地方。儘管只是一些小的疾病,例如說感冒,也可能會導致未曾預期的後果。 在今年的初期,建議處女座將健康管理放在優先的位置,可以安排健檢,確定自己的狀況在年中之前都在控制內。因為5月和6月提供一個非常好的機會進行醫美,鼓勵處女座專注在皮膚、頭髮和牙齒上。 9月前後則相對平安無事,來到10月時,處女座則需保持警惕。有較高的機率會受傷,特別是那些從事勞動工作的人,經常開車的人,或是從事高強度運動的人。這個期間也可能是你情緒崩潰的時期,甚至出現了一些憂鬱的症狀。為了度過這些挑戰,建議處女座們在飲食上保持健康,保持規律的運動習慣,並且花費更多時間在大自然裡。也建議處女座們在12月時做短暫的休假。有可能是一個旅行,登山活動,或是與愛人度過一個放鬆的週末。這樣一來能夠幫助處女座們消除壓力,並且保持情緒平衡。 透過預防性的健康照護,維持健康的生活方式,處女座可以在2024年恢復並保持你們的健康。 [總結] 2024這一年給處女座們帶來了很多變化。改變在你們生活中的每一處都會發生,就像是一座雲霄飛車的起伏。在工作方面,你們的野心和果斷成為你們的動力,使你們能夠有很好的加薪機會,晉升,或甚至讓你們有冒險的機會。但即使是最敬業的人也需要旅行的燃料,處女座必須記得將自我護理融入你們緊湊的日程安排中,以免把自己燃燒殆盡。愛情方面,星星描繪了一幅火熱的畫面。新的連結以火花的方式點亮,點燃了夏天的天空。家庭生活有了更有節制的節奏,處女座們像經驗豐富的指揮家一樣優雅地兼顧責任。在財務上,駕馭今年的波動需要穩定的手和精明的預算編 制。韌性將是處女座最大的武器。透過你們固有的優勢,張開雙臂抓住機會,正面面對挑戰,就能夠駕馭2024年的變革能量,在生活的各個方面提升到新的高度。 原文: (Copyright to DailyHoroscope,translated by Kelsie) The year 2024 promises a captivating blend of exciting possibilities and potential challenges for Virgos. While their diligence and hard work will lead to significant career advancements, their personal relationships may not experience the same rapid growth. However, socially active individuals among them will find greater success and satisfaction in their interactions. The 2024 horoscope for Virgos emphasizes the importance of pursuing goals while maintaining a sense of balance and prioritizing their well-being. While ambition is commendable, postponing some plans may be necessary to avoid feeling overwhelmed and depleted. Virgos are advised to remain mindful of their emotions and avoid letting negativity influence their actions. By exercising self-awareness and prioritizing both personal and professional pursuits, Virgos can navigate the year ahead with purpose and achieve remarkable outcomes. Despite potential obstacles, 2024 will be a year of immense growth and learning for Virgos. By embracing new opportunities, nurturing close relationships, and maintaining a balanced approach to life, they can transform challenges into stepping stones and achieve remarkable success in all aspects of their lives. The year 2024 unfolds for Virgos under the benevolent combination bringing good fortune from January to May. This celestial alignment empowers Virgos to tackle complex issues with newfound clarity, explore uncharted territory, and cultivate meaningful relationships. Meanwhile, another celestial combination will chip away at the indecisiveness that sometimes holds Virgos back, urging them to shed outdated beliefs and embrace progressive thinking. This shift in perspective will equip Virgos with the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and thrive in their endeavors. However, the months of September through November may see a temporary lull in their activity. During this period, Virgos are advised to exercise caution and postpone major undertakings until the cosmic winds again shift in their favor. The Eastern horoscope influence further underscores the transformative potential of 2024, with the year being ruled by the steadfast Dragon. This mythical creature favors those who possess unwavering persistence and patience, viewing obstacles not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. However, the Dragon's influence may also lead Virgos to prioritize professional pursuits over nurturing long-standing relationships. To navigate this dynamic, Virgos may need to tap into their diplomatic skills to maintain harmony with loved ones. Additionally, the 2024 horoscope urges Virgos to prioritize their health, remaining vigilant about any minor ailments and prioritizing self-care. Lastly, caution is advised when dealing with financial matters and legal documents, as there is a potential for discrepancies and conflicts with authorities if the Virgo forgets to dot all the i’s and cross all the t’s. By embracing the transformative energies of Jupiter and Pluto, harnessing the determination of the Wooden Dragon, and prioritizing self-awareness and well-being, Virgos can navigate 2024 with purpose and resilience, achieving remarkable success on both personal and professional fronts. The year 2024 promises a vibrant tapestry of emotions for Virgos in the realm of romance and love. While work may demand their attention, passionate encounters and unexpected romances will keep their hearts aflutter. New connections may blossom as early as the very beginning of 2024, some of which have the potential to culminate in marriage as soon as mid-year. For married couples, a short break from routine can reignite the spark of their youthful love and rekindle the flame of romance. March and April might see Virgos swept off their feet by the intoxicating power of love, leaving them euphoric and dreaming of passionate encounters. Married couples should prioritize open communication and heartfelt conversations with their partners, while single Taureans are encouraged to actively seek out potential partners. This period also presents a favorable time for proposals and wedding preparations, with the ideal ceremony date being either in the middle of the year or falling towards the end of 2024. Summer is a time for Virgos to indulge in their desires and embrace the possibilities of love. Whether it's a whirlwind romance on vacation, the blossoming of a serious relationship, or a captivating connection with a colleague, they are encouraged to express their feelings openly, even if the prospects of reciprocation appear uncertain. With their enthusiasm and passion, Virgos have the power to melt the coldest hearts and ignite a spark in those they admire. Married Virgos can overcome misunderstandings and strengthen their bond through exploring their shared fantasies in the bedroom. At the start of the second half of the year, the intensity of emotions may begin to subside. For single Virgos who haven't found their ideal partner by this time, they may be better off remaining unattached until the end of the year. However, couples who have found their soulmates can confidently plan their future together, knowing that their love that developed in 2024 will stand strong and their bond will continue to deepen. By embracing the year's inherent romantic energy, cultivating open communication, and staying mindful of their emotional needs, Virgos can navigate the landscape of love in 2024 with confidence, experiencing both passionate encounters and enduring connections. The family horoscope for Virgos in 2024 predicts a year of gradual progress interspersed with periods of stagnation. Their focus may naturally gravitate towards professional aspirations, leading them to avoid making significant decisions in their personal lives. This tendency to prioritize work may result in delegating household responsibilities to their partners, potentially causing occasional disagreements and even minor rifts. However, Virgos' inherent charm and ability to offer enticing promises usually help smooth over any such tensions. The summer months offer an opportunity to alleviate any accumulated irritations through a well-planned family vacation. Spouses will find themselves forgiving past transgressions and cherishing quality time together. Virgos in committed relationships may find themselves receptive to the idea of marriage if their partners demonstrate sincere commitment and effort. After the first half of the year, the family dynamic may remain relatively unchanged. While Virgos may shower their loved ones with gifts, their time for communication and leisure may remain limited. Their primary focus may be on resolving practical household issues and ensuring the family's material well-being. However, this period also presents an opportunity to address long-standing disputes with distant relatives, fostering a more harmonious atmosphere with extended family. A potential move in October could bring a flurry of activities and responsibilities, potentially adding strain to spousal relationships. December offers a welcome respite for Virgos. Some may choose to solidify their commitments through a wedding, while others may opt for well-deserved relaxation and pamper their families with exciting surprises, like a family trip overseas. By balancing their career aspirations with their commitment to family, Virgos can navigate the dynamics of 2024 with both pragmatism and affection. By being mindful of their loved ones' needs and creating opportunities for meaningful connection, they can nurture strong and lasting bonds within their families. The professional developments for Virgos in 2024 paint a picture of non-trivial achievements and significant professional growth. Driven by ambitious desires and fueled by their exceptional organizational skills, Virgos will find the resources and determination to execute their plans with unwavering focus and consistency. Neither love, family matters, nor health concerns will stand in the way of their relentless pursuit of success. The initial fruits of their labor may start to manifest as early as February, offering a tangible taste of their future accomplishments. For those seeking a change of pace, mid-year provides the perfect opportunity to transition to new positions, embrace freelance work, or even embark on the exciting journey of entrepreneurship. Virgos are not encouraged to seek external support during this period of their professional endeavors. While loved ones may not possess the relevant expertise to assist, colleagues may even hinder their progress. Instead, Virgos should focus on self-development, acquiring new skills and honing existing ones, further enhancing their professional toolkit, and gaining additional experience. It is advisable for the Virgos to take a breather around mid-year. Even if it is just for a few days,. Following a well-deserved break, Virgos will step back into the professional arena with renewed energy and an unwavering commitment to excellence. Virgos are encouraged to shed any lingering doubts and actively demonstrate their exceptional business acumen. Taking initiative, offering solutions to complex challenges, participating in high-profile projects, and willingly assuming additional responsibilities will all contribute to their upward trajectory. However, in the face of inevitable fluctuations and uncertainties, Virgos must maintain a sense of balance while remaining steadfast in their pursuit of important goals. Virgos should not employ the tactic of waiting out difficult times, as this approach could not only result in a decrease in income but also jeopardize their employment altogether. The second half of the year presents an opportune time for Virgos to increase their visibility and expand their network. Participating in relevant business events will not only broaden their horizons but also foster valuable connections that can significantly simplify future endeavors. By embracing their inherent drive, leveraging their newly acquired skills, and strategically cultivating their professional network, Virgos can confidently navigate the career landscape of 2024, ascending the ladder of success and achieving remarkable professional fulfillment. The financial landscape for Virgos in 2024 promises to be anything but stable. This is shaping up to be a period of constant uncertainty, potentially causing significant stress and strain. As the year starts, Virgos may see a decrease in income, delays in payments, or even potential losses due to fraudulent activities. This period necessitates a strong focus on saving and cautious spending. Until sometime around April, even with a stable income stream, Virgos are advised to avoid major expenses. Virgos should try to avoid taking out loans. However, if they encounter investment opportunities during the first half of the year, Virgos can find success by carefully evaluating the reliability of the investments and seeking the advice of trusted financial experts. As the year transitions to the second half, a glimmer of hope will appear with the prospect of increased income, potentially through additional work or passive income. Family circumstances can significantly impact Virgo’s financial situation. While they may receive large sums from relatives, they are also likely to incur significant expenses due to the needs of their loved ones. However, these expenditures should not significantly impact their financial stability, as they will be quickly compensated by new income sources. Towards the end of 2024, Virgos will be able to establish a source of decent income with not too much effort. Perhaps a lucrative side gig or a successful sale of something they may no longer need. This can also be a profitable investment in real estate or even equipment that can be rented out, generating passive income. By prioritizing financial prudence, remaining vigilant against potential risks, and strategically utilizing opportunities for growth, Virgos can navigate the uncertainties of 2024 despite the instability that the year promises to bring. Whereas health is concerned, Virgos should emphasize preventative measures to maintain their well-being throughout 2024. Infectious diseases and common colds can pose a significant threat if not properly managed, prompting Virgos to dress warmly during cold weather and minimize their time in crowded spaces. Pushing through illness, like suffering from the flu on their feet, can lead to unexpected and unpleasant complications. Early in the year, Virgos are encouraged to prioritize their health by undergoing a medical examination, ensuring any chronic conditions are well managed before the mid-year mark. May and June present the perfect opportunity for cosmetic procedures, allowing Virgos to focus on their skin, hair, and dental health. After a relatively uneventful September, Virgos need to remain vigilant in October, as there is a heightened risk of injuries, particularly for those involved in manual labor, more than average amounts of driving, or vigorous sports activities. This period may also see the emergence of emotional burnout or even early symptoms of depression. To combat these challenges, Virgos are advised to adopt a healthy diet, maintain an active lifestyle with moderate exercise, and spend more time in nature. It is highly recommended that Virgos take a short break in December. Whether it's an exciting trip, a scenic hike, or a relaxing weekend getaway with loved ones, this time away will help alleviate stress and restore emotional balance before the end of 2024. By prioritizing preventative care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and actively addressing potential challenges, Virgos can navigate the health landscape of 2024 with resilience and ensure their well-being throughout the year. The year 2024 promises quite a metamorphosis for Virgos. Change is likely to ripple through every corner of their lives, a roller coaster of vibrant highs and introspective lows. At work, their tireless ambition and meticulous skills become their rocket fuel, propelling them towards well-deserved raises, promotions, or even the launch of audacious ventures. But even the most dedicated need fuel for the journey, and Virgos must remember to weave self-care into their tight schedules lest they burn bright and brief. Romantically, the stars paint a fiery picture. New connections crackle into existence, igniting summer flings or forging bonds built to last. Family life dances to a more measured rhythm, with Virgos gracefully juggling responsibilities like seasoned conductors. Financially, navigating through this year's fluctuations calls for a steady hand and astute budgeting. Resilience will be Virgos' greatest weapon. By leaning into their inherent strengths, seizing opportunities with open arms, and confronting challenges head-on, they can harness the transformative energy of 2024, ascending to new heights in every facet of their lives. 雖然有點晚了,因為我翻譯好久!有幫助的話可以留言鼓勵一下!祝大家2024新年快樂~ -- Sent from nPTT on my iPhone 13 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Virgo/M.1704812266.A.7EA.html

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文章代碼(AID): #1bdLxgVg (Virgo)
文章代碼(AID): #1bdLxgVg (Virgo)