[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/01

看板Taurus (金牛座(4/21-5/20))作者 (qpeter2243)時間2年前 (2022/12/01 01:09), 編輯推噓8(800)
留言8則, 8人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
某個你認識的人正在經歷一個巨大的轉變。你或許會訝異這個人變得多麼的不同,親愛的 阿牛。但你可能也會感到害怕,畢竟這麼大的變化肯定會帶來許多未知數。但即將到來的 變化都是好的,擁抱這些變化能夠促使一段令人興奮的冒險開始。那個正在經歷轉變的人 就是你。當你越享受這段旅程並期待成功,你的旅程就越愉快且圓滿。 —— Someone you know is in the midst of a big transformation. You may be amazed by how different things seem around this individual, dear Taurus. You may be a l ittle bit scared for this person too. After all, such a big change must come w ith a lot of unknowns. But what is to come is all good, and embracing the chan ges can encourage an exciting adventure to begin. That person who is transform ing now is you. The more you enjoy the ride and anticipate success, the more e njoyable and successful you ride will be. —— -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1669828193.A.CC1.html

12/01 04:07, 2年前 , 1F
12/01 04:07, 1F

12/01 04:35, 2年前 , 2F
12/01 04:35, 2F

12/01 07:31, 2年前 , 3F
12/01 07:31, 3F

12/01 07:53, 2年前 , 4F
12/01 07:53, 4F

12/01 12:18, 2年前 , 5F
謝謝。擁抱變化 越享受期待越愉快圓滿
12/01 12:18, 5F

12/01 12:26, 2年前 , 6F
12/01 12:26, 6F

12/01 12:34, 2年前 , 7F
12/01 12:34, 7F

12/01 22:13, 2年前 , 8F
12/01 22:13, 8F
文章代碼(AID): #1ZXuvXp1 (Taurus)
文章代碼(AID): #1ZXuvXp1 (Taurus)