[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/05

看板Taurus (金牛座(4/21-5/20))作者 (qpeter2243)時間2年前 (2022/11/05 00:35), 編輯推噓7(700)
留言7則, 7人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
人們常說,種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。這聽起來相當正面,甚至是高貴的,但這看起來並不真 實。別忘了,你什麼都沒做,只是把好主意、想法和善意放在某個人或目標上,而你卻沒 收到任何正面的回報,阿牛。但你不會總是以某種線性姿態直接得到你所做的好事的報酬 。有時候你的回報會以不同的形式或來源出現,而最終,這對你來說會是更好的。 —— It is often said that what you put out into the world is what you get back. Th at may sound very positive - even noble - but it may not seem true. After all, Taurus, you have done nothing but put good thoughts, ideas, and kind gestures out toward a certain person or goal, and you have received nothing positive i n return. But you won't always be directly rewarded in some linear gesture for the good things you do. Sometimes what you get back will come in a different form and from a different source - something that ultimately is better for you personally. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1667579737.A.494.html

11/05 00:49, 2年前 , 1F
11/05 00:49, 1F

11/05 01:20, 2年前 , 2F
11/05 01:20, 2F

11/05 06:35, 2年前 , 3F
11/05 06:35, 3F

11/05 07:14, 2年前 , 4F
11/05 07:14, 4F

11/05 09:30, 2年前 , 5F
11/05 09:30, 5F

11/05 10:20, 2年前 , 6F
11/05 10:20, 6F

11/06 04:40, 2年前 , 7F
11/06 04:40, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1ZPJzPIK (Taurus)
文章代碼(AID): #1ZPJzPIK (Taurus)