[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/14

看板Taurus (金牛座(4/21-5/20))作者 (qpeter2243)時間1年前 (2022/08/14 00:59), 編輯推噓3(300)
留言3則, 3人參與, 1年前最新討論串1/1
如果你對今天計劃要進行的某件事沒有好感與強烈的興趣,那又何必困擾呢?你現在可能 只是走個形式而已,因為你或許認為有些該做的事。親愛的阿牛,但如果你找不到去做這 件事的理由或目的,那你就不會對這件事有著熱情或去處理它的意義。而且如果你不能把 它做到最好,那又何必去做呢?不如找一個好理由來投資自己,又或是去做一些更積極的 事吧。 —— If you are not feeling good and strong and interested in some task you are pla nning to take on today, then why bother? You may be going through the motions now because there is something you believe you are supposed to be doing. But i f you can't find a reason or a purpose for this, dear Taurus, then you are not going to go into it with enthusiasm or a sense of purpose. And if you can't d o your best, why go through with it? Either find a good reason to invest yours elf, or find something more positive to do for yourself. —— enthusiasm 熱情、熱衷 a sense of purpose 人生的意義、目的感 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1660409993.A.E06.html

08/14 10:10, 1年前 , 1F
08/14 10:10, 1F

08/14 11:13, 1年前 , 2F
08/14 11:13, 2F

08/14 20:05, 1年前 , 3F
08/14 20:05, 3F
文章代碼(AID): #1YzzY9u6 (Taurus)
文章代碼(AID): #1YzzY9u6 (Taurus)