[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/23

看板Taurus (金牛座(4/21-5/20))作者 (qpeter2243)時間2年前 (2022/03/23 01:08), 編輯推噓5(500)
留言5則, 5人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
或許有個”次要劇情”在你新生活中進行著。但因為你努力地工作著,以至於你沒有注意 到發生了其他事。所以你今天要格外警惕和注意,你會看到一個機會隱藏在正在進行的工 作中,阿牛。如果你退一步觀察的話,就會開始注意到有更大的機會能夠擴展你現在正在 進行的事,讓它變得比你想得還要更大吧。 ——— Daily Horoscope for Wednesday 03/23 There may be a "subplot" weaving its way through a new chapter in your life. B ut you are working so hard to get it right that you may not notice what else i s going on. Be extra alert and aware today, Taurus, and you will see an opport unity hiding in the creases of what you're working on. If you step back just a bit and observe, you will begin to notice a greater chance of expanding on wh at you're doing, making it even bigger than you imagined. ——— 今日單字 subplot 次要劇情 weave 編織;迂迴進行 crease 皺紋;皺摺 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1647968925.A.373.html

03/23 06:27, 2年前 , 1F
03/23 06:27, 1F

03/23 07:22, 2年前 , 2F
03/23 07:22, 2F

03/23 10:37, 2年前 , 3F
03/23 10:37, 3F

03/23 17:06, 2年前 , 4F
03/23 17:06, 4F

03/23 23:17, 2年前 , 5F
沒看到辣 沒慧根
03/23 23:17, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1YEWATDp (Taurus)
文章代碼(AID): #1YEWATDp (Taurus)