[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2018

看板Taurus (金牛座(4/21-5/20))作者 (乎兮)時間7年前 (2017/12/30 00:04), 編輯推噓77(7702)
留言79則, 76人參與, 8年前最新討論串1/1
2017年倒數,預祝大家新年快樂唷~^-^ Daily的2018很不錯~辛苦的2017終於過了...(呼) 祝福大家2018都能有美好的收穫唷~~Love you!! ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** *2018 總體* 金牛,就大體而言,你顯現了強壯、堅定無畏和堅忍 - 就如同你的公牛象徵一樣。 但是在堅毅的表面之下跳動著一顆敏感的心、仁慈和多愁善感的個體。 你是個容易被影響的人,過去一年,你可能已經開始注意到這個狀況, 而你可能因為這個因素讓自己更無法專注在自己身上。 好的,金牛,2018將開始迎來的你歡樂派對, 因為你將感到更加光明、內在更強壯、適應能力超越過往。 對於那些把你的協助視為理所當然索求,或是某些想占你便宜的狀況, 你已經開始去做『說不』的行動。 超棒的!這就是你蛻變成內在更為強壯之人的象徵,但你還是有保留那柔軟的一面。 就你各人的某些層面來說,去年是很艱困的一年。 因此,你必須要去看見那些嚴苛的真相,然後思考你需要哪些自我的進步。 你把自己和自己的人生看得更通透,你也理解哪個才是對你最為重要的東西。 如此,當這些人生課程的演練和告訴你哪些該好好學, 你的人際關係和你的職涯會在2018年蓬勃發展。 今年初將會展現一些挑戰,它來到你的親人或愛人的生活上, 但是你有能力來成功地處理它們,因為你有充分地認識自己,明白哪些對你是好的。 金牛,請延續這樣的態度到2018年,那麼將沒有任何事可以阻止你角逐你應得的成功。 -- *愛* 金牛,在你全部的生活中,你體驗了許多愛與感情的高潮迭起。 前一秒你似乎因為你的愛情關係而高飛上雲端,下一秒每件事情似乎變得沮喪難受。 就好像隨著運氣的好壞而起伏,而不是你真的做錯了什麼事。 在2018年,你會找到你的愛情人生,它開始更加穩固,或變得更享受, 而不是處處爭吵或不信任-- 無論你是單身還是有伴侶。 你現在更有自覺,而這會幫助你很多,不僅僅是愛情的生活,還有更加增進的浪漫關係。 許多單身金牛人士在過去一年中可能發現了愛的美好,而如果你想要變成幸運兒, 特別的親密關係會在今年到來,它可能是前所未有的。 如果你已經有伴侶了,你能更好地表達自己來鞏固彼此關係, 或表露某些事情你想要改變成新的型態。 你正經歷著充滿希望的強大星星友邦,它會讓你在今年所有的領域都很順利。 如果你是單身,你現在應該準備好要遇見真命天女/天子, 大約在年中的時候,你可能會發現他/她就是身邊出現的新人士, 或是你可能遇見某個很仰慕你的人。 但即使你想建立穩定關係,你也要先退後一步, 然後花時間用理性的方式去細想你的決定。 如果你慢慢來並真的確定遇到所愛,你的愛情人生就此繁盛絢爛。 -- *家庭* 金牛,過去一年,你可能過度被牽扯到某個特定的家族議題之中, 你真的該要遠離是非才對。這並不全然是你的錯。 大多時後你可能被某個人請願協助,而你很難有機會對這個情況『說不』。 然而,有句老話 : 「一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩。」可能是今年的寫照, 無論這個人如何嘗試哄騙你進來淌這複雜棘手的家族事件,你都不會答應。 你會明智地去聽內在細小的聲音來帶領你走出麻煩之中。 然而,有個家族成員可能會在二月或是三月時帶著無關乎家族的事情來找你, 而你可能在這個狀況中變成傑出的指導者,所以考慮幫助他吧。 金牛,關於結婚和新生的好消息會在夏天發生,這將會是個興奮的訊息。 你甚至在這活動中有參與一角,這會帶給你很多樂趣。 在家族容易衝突的部分,你將會有更多的仁慈和接受度, 這讓你今年感覺有更多的幸福感。 -- *職涯* 金牛,去年對你來說是有關職業生涯相當忙碌的一年, 你的工作也帶給你更多的公平相關的爭議和擔憂。 當你進入2018年,你應該還是覺得氛圍緊張,但是很快地它會消失不見。 事實上,你的職涯在2018年前景看好, 這代表你可以在你的工作崗位上放鬆並找到舒適的方式。 現在更多好事情正在陸續為你上演,你的職涯在二月底的時候會有異動或升遷, 或甚至可能是個職業大變動,對此你該有些想法。 你可能沒有像去年一樣那麼地有野心,但那也不會怎麼樣。 事實上,宇宙會引領你到從未體驗之境,而瀰漫信念的祝福是你過去從未體會過的。 當你計劃自己的未來,力量會來到你的手中。 藉助公牛的願力來開啟屬於自己的事業,在2018年11月, 你會發現有理想的時機去開始某些事情。 任何你的開創將會在這一年逐步踏實,穩定進展,成長到今年年底。 更多的進步將會在今年展現,2018年好好規劃每個階段做個大躍進吧! -- 2018 Overall On the surface, Taurus, you appear to be strong, unflinching, and stoic - just like the symbol of your sign. But beneath that tough surface beats the heart of a very sensitive, kind, and sentimental being. You are a pushover at times, and last year, you may have come to recognize this, and you may have withdrawn more into yourself because of it. Well, Taurus, 2018 is going to be your coming out party, because you will be feeling brighter, internally stronger, and more resilient than ever. You have embarked on a path of learning to say no when those requesting your assistance are taking you for granted, or in situations that held little meaning for you. Bravo! This is a sign that you have become a stronger individual internally, while still retaining your soft side. Last year may have been a tough one for you in some respects, because you had to look at some hard truths and figure out where you needed some improvement personally. You have looked at yourself and your life more realistically, and you have come to realize what is truly the most important to you. Because of this, personal relationships and your career should flourish in 2018 as you bring those lessons into the foreground and apply what you have learned. The year ahead will present some challenges when it comes to family and your love life, but you are very capable of dealing with them successfully because you have come to know yourself - and what is good for you - so much better. Continue along this path in 2018, Taurus, and there will be nothing that can stop you from attaining the success you so rightly deserve. -- Love Throughout your life, Taurus, you have experienced many ups and downs in love and romance. One minute it seems that you are flying high where your romantic relationships are concerned, and then the next moment, everything seems difficult and upsetting. This was likely just the luck of the draw in a way, rather than anything you did wrong. In 2018, you should find that your romantic life begins on more of an even keel, and is generally enjoyable rather than contentious or unreliable - whether you are single or attached. You are more self-aware now, and that will serve you well in many ways - not just in your love life - but there should be a notable improvement in romance. Many Taurus people who were single may have found very important love interests last year, and if you were one of the lucky ones, a special relationship could continue into this year and beyond, and perhaps even forever. If you have been attached for some time, your ability to better express yourself has either made your bond stronger, or has revealed that you may want to move on to something new. Hopefully you are experiencing a strengthened union that will make all areas of your life better this year. If you are single, you are now quite ready to meet someone special, and around mid-year, you may either discover that a new person is the one, or you could meet someone who is perfect for you. But even though you may feel inclined to fall into something more serious, you should take a step back, and take your time to think over such a decision in a very logical way. If you move slowly and really get to know someone, your love life can thrive. -- Family Last year, Taurus, you may have gotten over-involved in certain family issues that you probably should have steered away from. This was not necessarily your fault. You were probably drawn in by someone pleading for your assistance most of the time, and you do have a hard time saying no in situations like this. However, the adage "once bitten, twice shy" may apply this year whenever someone tries to lure you into a family matter that is sticky and complicated. You would be wise to listen to that little voice that can lead you away from trouble. However, a family member may come to you around February or March with a matter not connected to family, and you could be an excellent mentor in this situation, so consider saying yes and helping out. News about a wedding or a birth may come in the summer, Taurus, and this will be pretty exciting news. You may even have a role in this somehow, which could bring great joy. And where there was some conflict in a family area, you will find much greater kindness and acceptance, which will make you feel so much happiness throughout the year. -- Career Last year may have been quite busy for you where your career was concerned, Taurus, and your work may have brought you more than your fair share of strife and worry. As you enter 2018, you could still be feeling that tense vibe, but that will dissipate early on. In fact, your career prospects look quite good for 2018, and that means you can relax and get comfortable in the role you occupy. Good things are happening behind the scenes for you now, and you should have some ideas where your career is going by late February when news of a change or promotion - or even a big change in your career is possible. You may not be feeling quite as ambitious as you felt last year, but that won't hurt you in the least. In fact, it will usher in a newfound sense of accomplishment, and bless you with an air of confidence that you may not have felt in the past. That will come in handy as you plan your future. For those Bulls hoping to begin a business of your own, you could find the ideal moment to start something around November of 2018. Anything you launch late in the year will begin with slow and steady progress, which will begin to increase by year's end. Much progress will be made this year, setting the stage for rapid advancement in the following year. -- -- 僅供參考 Daily Horoscope APP : https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/the-dailyhoroscope/id363920434?mt=8 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Taurus/M.1514563480.A.224.html

12/30 00:20, 7年前 , 1F
12/30 00:20, 1F

12/30 00:27, 7年前 , 2F
12/30 00:27, 2F

12/30 00:31, 7年前 , 3F
12/30 00:31, 3F

12/30 00:47, 7年前 , 4F
12/30 00:47, 4F

12/30 00:50, 7年前 , 5F
12/30 00:50, 5F

12/30 00:58, 7年前 , 6F
12/30 00:58, 6F

12/30 01:09, 7年前 , 7F
12/30 01:09, 7F

12/30 01:18, 7年前 , 8F
12/30 01:18, 8F

12/30 01:19, 7年前 , 9F
12/30 01:19, 9F

12/30 01:54, 7年前 , 10F
12/30 01:54, 10F

12/30 01:55, 7年前 , 11F
12/30 01:55, 11F

12/30 01:55, 7年前 , 12F
12/30 01:55, 12F

12/30 01:56, 7年前 , 13F
12/30 01:56, 13F

12/30 03:01, 7年前 , 14F
12/30 03:01, 14F

12/30 03:27, 7年前 , 15F
12/30 03:27, 15F

12/30 03:46, 7年前 , 16F
12/30 03:46, 16F

12/30 03:51, 7年前 , 17F
超棒 推
12/30 03:51, 17F

12/30 04:12, 7年前 , 18F
12/30 04:12, 18F

12/30 05:38, 7年前 , 19F
12/30 05:38, 19F

12/30 05:41, 7年前 , 20F
12/30 05:41, 20F

12/30 08:38, 7年前 , 21F
12/30 08:38, 21F

12/30 08:51, 7年前 , 22F
12/30 08:51, 22F

12/30 09:02, 7年前 , 23F
12/30 09:02, 23F

12/30 09:57, 7年前 , 24F
12/30 09:57, 24F

12/30 10:30, 7年前 , 25F
12/30 10:30, 25F

12/30 10:33, 7年前 , 26F
12/30 10:33, 26F

12/30 10:38, 7年前 , 27F
12/30 10:38, 27F

12/30 10:43, 7年前 , 28F
等這篇很久了! 祝福明年是好年~!
12/30 10:43, 28F

12/30 10:53, 7年前 , 29F
推推 大金牛們站起來!
12/30 10:53, 29F

12/30 11:05, 7年前 , 30F
謝謝 這篇補充了我不少正面能量
12/30 11:05, 30F

12/30 11:07, 7年前 , 31F
12/30 11:07, 31F

12/30 11:10, 7年前 , 32F
12/30 11:10, 32F

12/30 11:21, 7年前 , 33F
12/30 11:21, 33F

12/30 11:24, 7年前 , 34F
12/30 11:24, 34F

12/30 12:40, 7年前 , 35F
大家辛苦了 希望新的一年順順利利
12/30 12:40, 35F

12/30 12:50, 7年前 , 36F
12/30 12:50, 36F

12/30 12:53, 7年前 , 37F
謝謝 勇敢說不嗎?希望如此
12/30 12:53, 37F

12/30 13:38, 7年前 , 38F
今年超悶的 工作很不順
12/30 13:38, 38F

12/30 13:47, 7年前 , 39F
感覺未來一片光明 大家加油啊~
12/30 13:47, 39F

12/30 14:24, 7年前 , 40F
12/30 14:24, 40F

12/30 14:52, 7年前 , 41F
12/30 14:52, 41F

12/30 15:27, 7年前 , 42F
12/30 15:27, 42F

12/30 15:32, 7年前 , 43F
12/30 15:32, 43F

12/30 16:29, 7年前 , 44F
12/30 16:29, 44F

12/30 16:48, 7年前 , 45F
最近職場上確實開始敢說不了!我要加油 大家也加油
12/30 16:48, 45F

12/30 17:26, 7年前 , 46F
12/30 17:26, 46F

12/30 17:31, 7年前 , 47F
12/30 17:31, 47F

12/30 17:33, 7年前 , 48F
12/30 17:33, 48F

12/30 18:13, 7年前 , 49F
12/30 18:13, 49F

12/30 19:10, 7年前 , 50F
12/30 19:10, 50F

12/30 19:42, 7年前 , 51F
12/30 19:42, 51F

12/30 20:37, 7年前 , 52F
12/30 20:37, 52F

12/30 21:07, 7年前 , 53F
12/30 21:07, 53F

12/30 22:32, 7年前 , 54F
12/30 22:32, 54F

12/30 22:43, 7年前 , 55F
12/30 22:43, 55F

12/30 22:52, 7年前 , 56F
12/30 22:52, 56F

12/30 23:00, 7年前 , 57F
12/30 23:00, 57F

12/30 23:19, 7年前 , 58F
12/30 23:19, 58F

12/30 23:28, 7年前 , 59F
我牛威武 要發啦~
12/30 23:28, 59F

12/30 23:34, 7年前 , 60F
12/30 23:34, 60F

12/31 00:46, 7年前 , 61F
12/31 00:46, 61F

12/31 01:25, 7年前 , 62F
12/31 01:25, 62F

12/31 01:53, 7年前 , 63F
12/31 01:53, 63F

12/31 03:45, 7年前 , 64F
正面能量 充滿希望 加油!
12/31 03:45, 64F

12/31 04:52, 7年前 , 65F
再推一次 愛情這塊最好不要再騙我了 脫單就看這次
12/31 04:52, 65F

12/31 05:15, 7年前 , 66F
12/31 05:15, 66F

12/31 06:48, 7年前 , 67F
謝謝! 金牛們一起加油加油~
12/31 06:48, 67F

12/31 09:43, 7年前 , 68F
終於要轉運了嗎? QQ
12/31 09:43, 68F

12/31 12:14, 7年前 , 69F
12/31 12:14, 69F

12/31 12:20, 7年前 , 70F
12/31 12:20, 70F

12/31 18:20, 7年前 , 71F
12/31 18:20, 71F

12/31 20:39, 7年前 , 72F
12/31 20:39, 72F

12/31 22:52, 7年前 , 73F
12/31 22:52, 73F

12/31 23:43, 7年前 , 74F
12/31 23:43, 74F

01/01 00:46, 8年前 , 75F
01/01 00:46, 75F

01/01 01:11, 8年前 , 76F
01/01 01:11, 76F

01/01 14:50, 8年前 , 77F
01/01 14:50, 77F

01/01 19:48, 8年前 , 78F
01/01 19:48, 78F

01/02 00:18, 8年前 , 79F
謝謝! 正面能量真的來了
01/02 00:18, 79F
文章代碼(AID): #1QHcUO8a (Taurus)
文章代碼(AID): #1QHcUO8a (Taurus)