[轉錄] 2025年 Yearly Horoscope - 結語

看板Scorpio (天蠍座(10/24-11/22))作者 (貝對貝擁抱)時間1周前 (2025/02/13 23:06), 編輯推噓13(1302)
留言15則, 15人參與, 5天前最新討論串1/1
Looking at the complete picture, 2025 shapes up to be a year of significant transformation for Scorpio in several aspects of their life. Your natural intensity and determination will serve as valuable tools for navigating both challenges and opportunities. Success will come through harnessing your passionate nature while maintaining emotional balance and avoiding extremes. This year will reward Scorpios who can embrace their transformative nature while remaining open to gradual change. Scorpio's ability to see beyond appearances and understand hidden dynamics will lead to growth in relationships, career advancement, and further personal development. The stars encourage Scorpios to trust their powerful intuition while, at the same time, remaining open to logic and other people's perspectives. The journey through 2025 calls for Scorpio to embrace both their power and vulnerability, using their intensity as a force for positive transformation while developing greater emotional flexibility. If you can embrace this shift, dear Scorpio, by year's end, you will find yourself transformed, having grown more confident in your ability to use your natural gifts while maintaining the emotional balance necessary for lasting success and fulfillment. 綜觀大局,2025年對天蠍座來說,是在人生中的好幾個面向都形塑出重大轉變的一年, 你那與生俱來的強烈的情感與決心,將會成為引領挑戰與機遇的珍貴工具。在維持情 緒的平衡與避免走向極端的時候,成功將會透過駕馭你們那熱情的天性翩然而至。 今年將會獎勵在面對逐步地改變時,依然可以欣然接受自己那蛻變與重生的天性的天 蠍。天蠍那可以看清埋藏在表面底下的真相,以及理解隱藏的情勢的能力,將會在伴 侶關係、職涯的晉升與更進一步的個人發展當中,使你們有所成長。星星們鼓勵天蠍 座相信自己那強大的直覺,不過與此同時,也要對邏輯與其他人的觀點保持開放的心 胸。 在2025年的這段旅程裡,召喚著天蠍座要運用自己那強烈的情感作為武器,同時擁抱 自己的力量與脆弱,以便在發展更有彈性的情緒調節能力時,可以作出積極正向的轉 化與重生。如果你可以大方接受這個轉變,親愛的天蠍,在年末的時候,你將會發現 自己重生了、蛻變了、進化了。當你為了更持久的成功與成就感而維持必要的情緒穩 定度的時候,你也對自己運用天賦的能力更有信心了。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 打完收工!2025年的運勢總算全部翻譯完畢,希望能幫助到大家。 今年對天蠍座來說,會有許多重大的變動,甚至是天翻地覆, 準備好逆轟高灰吧~~~ -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Scorpio/M.1739459185.A.BE4.html

02/13 23:07, 1周前 , 1F
02/13 23:07, 1F

02/14 00:21, 1周前 , 2F
02/14 00:21, 2F

02/14 06:56, 1周前 , 3F
02/14 06:56, 3F

02/14 08:53, 1周前 , 4F
02/14 08:53, 4F

02/14 09:35, 1周前 , 5F
02/14 09:35, 5F

02/14 10:07, 1周前 , 6F
上升蠍 的確有重大變動
02/14 10:07, 6F

02/14 13:14, 1周前 , 7F
02/14 13:14, 7F

02/14 13:48, 1周前 , 8F
02/14 13:48, 8F

02/15 06:53, 1周前 , 9F
02/15 06:53, 9F

02/15 11:30, 6天前 , 10F
02/15 11:30, 10F

02/15 13:35, 6天前 , 11F
02/15 13:35, 11F

02/15 21:27, 6天前 , 12F
02/15 21:27, 12F

02/16 11:25, 5天前 , 13F
02/16 11:25, 13F

02/16 20:09, 5天前 , 14F
02/16 20:09, 14F

02/16 20:55, 5天前 , 15F
02/16 20:55, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1dhWfnla (Scorpio)
文章代碼(AID): #1dhWfnla (Scorpio)