[情報] 2025年3月 Monthly Horoscope

看板Cancer (巨蟹座(6/22-7/22))作者 (貝對貝擁抱)時間1天前 (2025/03/03 01:28), 編輯推噓2(200)
留言2則, 2人參與, 1天前最新討論串1/1
Are you smart enough? Good looking enough? Talented enough? What do people think of you, dear Moonchild? This month, you may be scrutinizing yourself because you aren't sure you have what it takes to make your dreams come true. You have worked long and hard to achieve certain things, and you have come close to achieving some of them - but you have not reached the peak, and you're wondering why. If you go looking for reasons why you will never succeed, then you will never succeed. If you choose to put that energy into being more inventive in your efforts instead, you can make tremendous strides during this month. Make that one of your priorities. A change of residence may be in the stars for you soon. Although this probably will not happen this month, the initial pangs of longing may strike you more deeply, and you may start looking for a place that your heart longs for. If a move is not possible now, though, you may simply choose to spruce up your current home-sweet home, because yours is the sign of home, and your comfort and aesthetic satisfaction are very important to you. Something that you lost a while back may suddenly turn up this month. You may have already gone to great lengths to find this in another way, possibly a way that forced you to talk to someone you did not want to talk to. Consider that perhaps the universe had a role in pushing you into that interaction, and figure out what you should do about it! 你夠聰明嗎?你長得夠好看嗎?你夠有才華嗎?別人是怎麼想你的呢,親愛的月之子? 在這個月裡,你也許會因為不確定自己是否擁有讓自己的夢想成真的條件而仔細檢視 自己。你為了做到某些事情,已經努力了這麼久、付出了這麼多,而你已經很接近要 達成其中一個夢想的境地了——可是你還沒達到巔峰,而你正在思考為什麼會這樣。 如果你探尋為什麼自己從未成功的原因,那你就永遠都不會成功。如果你轉而選擇把 這股精力放在更有創造力地完成自己的事情,那你就可以在這個月裡取得長足的進步, 請務必把這個當作你在本月的首要之務。 搬家的計畫可能很快就會在宇宙的運行中推動你著手規劃,儘管這或許不是發生在這 個月,但是初期的折磨與痛苦,也許會更深層地打擊著你,而你可能會開始尋找你內 心所渴望的居住地或住所。如果現在搬家並不可行,你或許會單純選擇用心妝點目前 的美好的住所,因為你的星座正是家的象徵,而你的舒適感和美感所帶來的滿足感對 你來說非常重要。 你前一陣子失去的東西,也許會在這個月裡突然重又出現。你可能已經用其他方式來 竭盡全力地尋找這個東西,或許是逼迫自己跟你一點都不想要對話的人的方式。你要 審慎思考這很可能是宇宙在推動你跟對方有所互動而發揮了作用,並且想清楚自己應 該要對這件事做什麼! -- 願所有相遇都是美好而不留遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1740936485.A.ACC.html

03/03 07:31, 1天前 , 1F
03/03 07:31, 1F

03/03 10:45, 1天前 , 2F
03/03 10:45, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1dn9KbhC (Cancer)
文章代碼(AID): #1dn9KbhC (Cancer)