[情報] 2025/01/20~2025/01/26 Weekly Horosco

看板Cancer (巨蟹座(6/22-7/22))作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間4天前 (2025/01/20 09:33), 編輯推噓0(000)
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親愛的月之子,你是一個慷慨、溫暖且體貼的人。 當摯愛需要你時,你不僅會立刻伸出援手,或提供你認為他們需要的一切,甚至可能在他 們開口之前就已經察覺到狀況,並主動出現。 對你的親友而言,你是珍貴的存在,但有時候,你為了照顧他人而忽略了自己的需求與渴 望。 本週,你可能會收到來自親朋好友的一些請求,但建議你放輕鬆,將更多注意力放在自己 身上。 你可能已經感到精疲力竭和壓力沉重,現在正是你該好好照顧自己的時候。 本週原本計畫好的某次會面或聚會,可能會被延後或重新安排,這或許會讓你有些失望。 但既然已無法改變,那就找些有意義的事情來填補時間,做些能讓自己快樂的事吧。 此外,某位一直在你生活中扮演重要角色的人,可能會突然消失一陣子,沒有任何預警。 你天生帶有母性或父性的關懷,總是會擔心那些行為異常的人。 但別因此感到不安,如果對方需要一些空間,不要過度解讀,給予鼓勵與支持,同時讓他 們擁有自己需要的時間與距離。 而你自己,本週或許也會受益於一些個人的空間與休息。 You are a generous, warm, thoughtful person, dear Moonchild. You will not only run to the rescue when a loved one needs you or provide whatever it is you th ink they need - you will probably sense their situation even before they tell you and just show up. For your loved ones, you are a treasure, but you sometim es neglect your own wants and needs to be there for everyone else. You may get a few requests for assistance this week from friends and family members, but you are encouraged to take it easy with that and focus more on yourself. You c ould be overtaxed and stressed now, and you need some self-pampering. A meetin g or gathering that was planned for this week might wind up being postponed or rescheduled, which could cause you some disappointment. Since there is nothin g you can do about it anyway, then find something productive to fill the time - something that makes you happy. Someone who has been a "regular" in your lif e for quite some time may somehow be absent without notice. You have that mate rnal/paternal thing going on, and you are always concerned about others when t hey don't behave as usual. Don't get upset. If a loved one needs some space, d on't read too much into it. Offer your encouragement and support and give them the space they need. You would probably benefit from some space this week too . -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1737336820.A.8BD.html
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文章代碼(AID): #1dZQVqYz (Cancer)