[情報] 2024/09/09~2024/09/15 Weekly Horoscop

看板Cancer (巨蟹座(6/22-7/22))作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間1周前 (2024/09/09 04:46), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 1周前最新討論串1/1
你現在可能正處於一個難以提起興趣的階段。 是的,親愛的月之子,確實有一些夢想是你可以追求的。 然而,你可能感到有些沮喪,無法激發太多的樂觀情緒,這或許就是讓你難以開始行動的 原因。 隨著這週的開始,你需要承認這一點並努力去解決。 試著想像一下,如果你成功追求其中一個夢想,你的生活將會有多麼美好。 或許已經有一段時間沒有發生過讓你感到驚喜的事情了,但這即將改變。 如果你真心開始追求其中一個希望,你會立刻看到進展,並且會出現一些跡象,表明它將 為你帶來成功。 本週還可能會讓你對很久以前,甚至多年前,曾經發生過的不公平事件有重新的認可和感 受。 這也會提振你的精神,讓你覺得生活最終真的是公平的。 本週末的時候,你向某人發出的邀請會被欣然接受,這讓你感到非常驚喜! Cancer horoscope for 9月 9 - 9月 15 You may be having a difficult time now working up enthusiasm for much of anyth ing. Yes, dear Moonchilld, there are certainly dreams you could pursue. Yet yo u could be feeling a bit downhearted and not able to work up much optimism, an d that is perhaps what is making it harder for you to get going. As the week b egins, you need to acknowledge this and work on it. Start picturing how idylli c your life can be if you were to successfully pursue even one of those dreams of yours. It may have been a while since something spectacularly great happen ed for you, but that is about to change. If you get started in earnest on one of those hopes, you will see progress begin to unfold immediately, along with indications that it is going to bring you success. This week may also bring yo u a renewed sense of validation about something unfair that happened to you qu ite some time ago - perhaps many years ago. This will also lift your spirits a nd give you a feeling that life really is fair ultimately. An invitation you e xtend to someone later in the week will be joyfully accepted, much to your hap py surprise! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1725828415.A.D7E.html

09/09 07:52, 1周前 , 1F
09/09 07:52, 1F

09/09 09:48, 1周前 , 2F
09/09 09:48, 2F

09/09 10:06, 1周前 , 3F
09/09 10:06, 3F

09/09 12:40, 1周前 , 4F
09/09 12:40, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1ctWq_r- (Cancer)
文章代碼(AID): #1ctWq_r- (Cancer)