[情報] 2024/07 Monthly Horoscope

看板Cancer (巨蟹座(6/22-7/22))作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間4天前 (2024/07/04 08:13), 編輯推噓3(301)
留言4則, 4人參與, 2天前最新討論串1/1
在七月初,親愛的孩子,你可能會覺得你非常需要一個擁抱。 即便如此,你也常常因為害羞或過於自我而不敢開口。 不過別擔心,你很快就會感受到整個宇宙寬廣、溫暖的懷抱,讓你放心。 你正在被照顧、被愛著。 你的這一年。 你最近或即將迎來自己的生日。 在這個時候,你會開始回顧過去幾個月甚至幾年所經歷的一切,回顧自己的理想與現實的 差距。 它既會帶來淒美的傷感,也會帶來充滿希望的靈感。 換句話說,在整個七月裡,你會經歷各種情緒,但這對你來說並不新鮮。 本月將會有令人興奮的發展,包括在長期以來難以實現的領域取得突破,如金錢、創意項 目、感情願望...等。 與家庭有關的棘手情感狀況讓你絕望了好一陣子,但即將被理解。 本月可能無法解決,但你會看得更清楚,明白自己並無過錯,你的奮鬥即將得到平反和回 報。 最近你可能會感到孤獨,但在未來幾週,你會看到邀請和社交機會大增,包括那些浪漫的 機會,如果你正在尋找的話。 你可能會突然覺得自己很受歡迎,空閒時間會有很多有趣和令人興奮的人。 請去習慣它,因為你已經進入了一個更快樂、更豐富、更成功的時期。 Cancer horoscope for 7月 You may feel very much in need of a hug at the beginning of July, dear Moonchi ld. Even so, you are often too shy or too self-effacing to ask for one. Don't worry, though - you will soon feel the big, warm embrace of the entire univers e, giving you the reassurance that you are being taken care of and loved. This is your time of year. You have either recently had or will soon celebrate you r birthday. This is a time when you begin to review what the past months and e ven years have revealed and how your idea of where you should be stacks up to where you actually are. It brings both poignant thoughts of sadness and hopefu l moments of inspiration. In other words, throughout the month of July, you wi ll run through the gamut of emotions, but that's nothing new for you. Exciting developments are taking place this month, including breakthroughs in areas th at have long been elusive, such as money, creative projects, relationship desi res, and more. A tricky emotional situation related to family has caused you d espair for a while now, but an understanding is near. This may not be resolved this month, but you will come to see it more clearly and to understand that y ou are not at fault and that both vindication and reward for your struggles ar e imminent. You may have been lonely recently, but in the weeks ahead, you wil l see a big uptick in invitations and social opportunities, including those of the romantic kind, if that is something you're seeking. You may suddenly feel quite popular, with interesting and exciting people populating your free time . Get used to it, for you have entered a period of greater joy, abundance, and success. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1720052037.A.B99.html

07/04 17:10, 4天前 , 1F
07/04 17:10, 1F

07/04 22:50, 3天前 , 2F
07/04 22:50, 2F

07/05 16:42, 3天前 , 3F
07/05 16:42, 3F

07/05 23:25, 2天前 , 4F
07/05 23:25, 4F
文章代碼(AID): #1cXUb5kP (Cancer)
文章代碼(AID): #1cXUb5kP (Cancer)