[情報] 2024/06/10~2024/06/16 Weekly Horoscop

看板Cancer (巨蟹座(6/22-7/22))作者 (我的女朋友超萌的)時間8月前 (2024/06/11 09:22), 編輯推噓6(600)
留言6則, 6人參與, 8月前最新討論串1/1
你天生不喜歡自我推銷。 你認為,只要是你,就應該為自己代言。 此外,月之子,你可能比較害羞,你不喜歡大張旗鼓,也不喜歡成為眾人矚目的焦點。 然而,你想要的東西可能需要你在本週走到聚光燈下。 你可能需要吸引某些幫助、資源或關注,這樣你想做的事情才會成功。 好消息是,只要你努力就會成功。 鼓起勇氣,走出去。 一旦你得到了你所需要的,你就可以退回到你安靜舒適的殼裡了。 本週,你可能會因為前段時間完成的創意作品而得到表揚和幫助,並將其遺忘。 這可能預示著,重新開始這項工作或這種工作,將為你帶來正面的影響。 本週,你一直以來的擔憂終於會被一些好消息沖淡。 儘管這引起了一些動盪和一些情緒化的時刻,但這一切都是好的,因為它正在引發一個非 常積極的變化。 你會為此感到高興。 Cancer horoscope for 6月 10 - 6月 16 You are not, by nature, self-promotional. You believe that just being who you are should speak for itself. Furthermore, Moonchild, you can be rather shy, an d you don't like the fanfare or the inspection that comes with being the cente r of attention. However, something you want may require you to step out into t he spotlight this week. You may need to attract certain help, resources, or at tention so that something you are trying to do will be successful. The good ne ws is that it will work if you try. Summon your courage and get out there. Onc e you get what you need, you can retreat to your quiet, cozy shell. This week may also bring gratification in the form of praise and help for a work of crea tivity that you completed some time ago and all but forgot about. This may sig nify that a revival of this effort, or this kind of effort, will do something positive for you now. A concern you have had for some time will finally be was hed away this week with some good news. And even though this caused some uphea val and some emotional moments, it was all for the good because it is inciting a very positive change that you will be happy about. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Cancer/M.1718068970.A.BE9.html

06/11 12:26, 8月前 , 1F
06/11 12:26, 1F

06/11 13:24, 8月前 , 2F
06/11 13:24, 2F

06/11 14:12, 8月前 , 3F
06/11 14:12, 3F

06/11 18:05, 8月前 , 4F
06/11 18:05, 4F

06/12 10:18, 8月前 , 5F
06/12 10:18, 5F

06/12 14:26, 8月前 , 6F
06/12 14:26, 6F
文章代碼(AID): #1cPwRglf (Cancer)
文章代碼(AID): #1cPwRglf (Cancer)